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Sick and Tired

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Hi gents. I just wanted to apologize if any of my posts have made less than perfect sense lately. I've been incredibly sick for the last two weeks and the last several days have been particularly rough. For those who are curious, it all started as a simple sinus infection - something I usually pick up once or twice a year, especially during the winter months. I went to the doctor and was treated - antibiotics and some mucinex to clear out my sinuses. After ten days, not only was I still sniffly, but I also had flu-like symptoms. It turns out I picked up the flu while in the doctor's office waiting to be seen for my sinus infection (We're having a massive outbreak where I live with four different strains, according to the people in the white lab coats). The flu then settled in my chest where it turned into bronchitis / borderline pneumonia. So, long story short... I've spent the last week either in bed or here posting, while coughing up my lungs and blowing through boxes of kleenex.


Now, where's nurse Gladys?

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I feel your pain Soppy. I've suffered with sinus problems for decades. If you've not tried it before, you should really give the neti pot a go. It works wonders. Barring that, take really hot showers and breath handfuls of warm water up through your nose and sinuses and spit it out through your mouth. Sound disgusting but it works wonders.



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Lou posted some good advice. Many people have sinus problems all through the year, but often they become worse in winter, when the air is cold and dry and differences in temperatures are significant. Last autumn I had a flu that lasted for a month, which made me feel miserable.


Nasal steroids can be quite helpful for people with long-term sinus problems. Have you consulted your doctor about them, Lou? You can use them regularly without any serious side effects. They can really help with nasal congestion, greatly reducing the need for any other medication or other treatment.

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Which is exactly the reason why this old curmudeon gets his flu shot every september, it only makes sense, your body might fight off a cold. But not the FLU. Anybody who has contact with other folks germs, such as in school or in business is just meat on the table. Plus anyone who has had the Flu shot, doesn't get sick, but spreads the germs through the air.

The most common place to be infected is by being a passenger on an airliner. You might as well swap spit with the woman coughing in 32B, you're all breathing the same air, constantly recycled for four hours.

Here in Florida, in this community especially. 3/4 of the occupants, don't own their homes here, they Rent $3000 per month, 4 months a year. Rest of the year they're in Indiana, Michigan, New York, Toronto. We call them Snowbirds, they bring a lot of germs with them


Yeah $50 for the shot . . and the next day you'll fell like you were hit by a truck. Then you'll laugh at all those idiots with the FLU


Why do you suppose Doctors never get sick ? . . . . . . . . . . It ain't magic grin.gif





It's ironic that you mention this... I've gotten the flu shot every year for the last 12 years... this was the first year I skipped. Lesson learned.




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Most Nasal Steroids make it difficult to pass urine, always be suspicious of something that says . . . Not to exceed 2 squirts per Nostril per day


Nasal steroids shouldn't cause any such side effects, but of course you must always follow the instructions when taking any drugs and consult your doctor if something doesn't feel right. The instructions are there for a reason. The most severe side effect one can usually expect from using such sprays is a somewhat dry or irritating feeling inside the nose, maybe an occasional minor nosebleed, which is not dangerous. Nasal sprays are different from the stronger oral steroids (taken as pills etc.) that can have serious systemic effects on your body. Sprays have a local effect and are quite safe to use. Of course it's always best if one can manage without taking any drugs, but often the side effects are the lesser of two evils, if the symptoms of an illness are intolerable.

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breath handfuls of warm water up through your nose and sinuses and spit it out through your mouth. Sound disgusting but it works wonders.



Even more effective if you add salt to the water.

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Hang in there mate!..remember, what doesn't kill you. makes you stronger! :good:

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Uncleal - I'm with you. Had the flu ten or eleven years ago, swore to myself afterward, I would never go through that again.


Got a flu shot every year since, never had a reaction and never got the flu.

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I hope you are better soon CaptS. It's no fun being miserable. Know that we care and hope and pray for a speedy recovery. Keep up the good fight sir.

Edited by Rickitycrate

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