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Another possible issue with EXP2?

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Hi all,


I'm not sure if this has been raised before (apologies if it has) but I have recently noticed some problems with shadows.

I brought this up a few topics ago in regards to Monty's L-39 Albatross. But I have noticed it on some other aircraft also.

The screen shot below illustrates what I'm seeing. The pilots, seats, main landing gear and some antennas have shadows, but the aircraft does not.

Note the stock F-16 Netz and 3rd Party Super Hornet in the background both have shadows as normal.

Other aircraft I have noticed it on are the A-Team's OH-6, MD-500 and AH-1G.


I did some testing with another system to narrow down what the problem was.


My other system is XP and was at EXP1 patch standard. All the aircraft mentioned above displayed shadows normally.

When I updated it to EXP2(Jan11) standard the shadows disappeared. So it wasn't a DirectX problem, or a problem with my main system. It has to be with either EXP2 or the Jan 11 patch.


Is anyone else experiencing this, or have I been smoking some serious sh*t? :blink:



post-2240-043073200 1299227181.jpg

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Is anyone else experiencing this, or have I been smoking some serious sh*t?


If you are, I HOPE you brought enough for everyone....


No, I've seen it too recently, i'm on Win7, exp2, fullmerged, DX10. I can't remember exactly whcih .. i know the Viggen (DAT), maybe Russo's P-47N. ... was 1 or 2 others, but I've recently developed a case of CRS*


Somebody, somewhere, posted something about the '2 sided mapping' being part of the problem, due to the fix for the prop issues. That's what I DO remember!



kevin stein



*CRS= Can't Remember s**t

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Same issue here Dels, WinXP and lastest patch too.

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Cool, it's not just me then. Thank's guys.

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Same here, can't say it's all the planes, but noticed on some too, I think these were all 3rd party

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Funny, I used to have that problem with the Dec-2010 Patch (fully merged install on Win7 64, DX 10/11 ATI) and it went away with the Jan-2011 one.

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Funny, I used to have that problem with the Dec-2010 Patch (fully merged install on Win7 64, DX 10/11 ATI) and it went away with the Jan-2011 one.


Hmmm, now that's confusing. Is anyone else getting this problem?


My main system specs are: Win 7, EXP 2 (Jan 11), DX10, ATI HD5650.



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Im have no shadows with Erikgen's Voodoo's.

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I'm also getting this issue with the Bf109G-10's that were released yesterday.


I'm going to go through my install one aircraft at a time and post a list of all the aircraft that are affected.



Edited by Dels

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Ok, I tested all the aircraft in my install last night and I found the following issues:


These aircraft had shadows before and now no longer have shadows:


AH-1W, MD-500D, OH-6A, P-3C by A-team

AV-8B_da, AV-8B_Plus, Harrier_GR7, Tornado_F3 by Bobrock

Bf109G-10 by Monty_CZ

J-20A, Tu-22M3 by Honeyfox

OV-10D (Not sure who made this)


These aircraft had shadows before, but now display shadows with missing components (as with the L-39 picture at the beginning of this post)


A-6A, A-6E_TRAM, L-39C, L-39ZA, L-39ZO by Monty_CZ

F-35A by FastCargo

Sea Harrier FRS.2 by Team-Harrier

Q-5D by tomcat

Su-24M by Veltro2k

J-10A, Su-33, Su-35 by the Insky Group

T-45A by Pappy


To me, it looks like a mixed bag. But there are some modelers with several aircraft in the list.

Is it possible it could be the way the model was exported/made or the version used?


What I find interesting is that the F-35A is affected but the F-35B and F-35C (which I assume FastCargo made from the same model using the same techniques) are not affected. :blink:

Edited by Dels

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my dates for are the same as in Israel, can´t play before 1949 or after 1982 in Europe and the Falklands

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that's an Options.ini edit ... covered a LOT times all over the place:













LoadMissionFilename=C:\Users\kevin\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Missions\targets test 1 Cuba-Commie.MSN



EndYear=2050 <--change here





The Intruders should be using the stock lods .. unless they've got 1stGen lods in package. Have you checked the SF2V A-6??



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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I can confirm that the shadow issue is due "2 sided material*" applied to the meshes. Erikgen just updated the G.91Y because of this.


* A 2 sided material is usefull to show the outside and the inside of a shape because normally the polygons could be seen only on one face "normal" and not from the other side.

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Thanks Spillone104. I guess it's now up to the creators of the models to fix them (if they have time/motivation)


Wrench, the TW Intruder models are fine. I'm using the ones from the Column5 site which were built by Monty_CZ. I guess he's a big fan of 2 sided materials. :dntknw:



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