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Herr Prop-Wasche

ROF Announces Career Mode

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Thank you very much, Morris.

It would of course only make sense, when I am the first to activate it?

Cause I would want a version with full access and all rights.

If you have such a full version and want to give it away, I will be glad!

I can only offer you new skins to make for your own use.

Please send me a PM, what you want.

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I have a full version that you can activate.



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In my view, fighting over which sim is "best" is asinine. All sims have their positives and negatives. When I fly RoF I don't think "This sucks compared to OFF" or "This is so much better than OFF," and when I fly OFF I don't think "This sucks compared to ROF" or "This is so much better than OFF." When I fly one I don't even think about the other. I enjoy each for its own merits, and I constructively criticize them on their own merits.


I'm looking forward to both the new RoF campaign and OFF P4. I'd also like to see 40 planes in the air at once in either sim, as I never have before. Perhaps I will in COD, which I'll also buy as soon as it's released.

Edited by shredward

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Jim did you never try Quick Scenarios in OFF and choose 20v20 :grin: ?


You could always edit some of the missions there and add more


There are up to 225 aircraft in the air on their own real missions in OFF (can be increased easily in workshops and we can increase to more if necessary ;)). Obviously you are not going to pass them all at the same time in campaign across the front, but I have sometimes been in furballs with several groups all piling in over several minutes to make a huge group.


If you PC can handle it try increasing air activity in OFF's Workshop and go fly when there is a major offensive on in 1918 in the thick of it regions?

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In my view, fighting over which sim is "best" is asinine. All sims have their positives and negatives. When I fly RoF I don't think "This sucks compared to OFF" or "This is so much better than OFF," and when I fly OFF I don't think "This sucks compared to ROF" or "This is so much better than OFF." When I fly one I don't even think about the other. I enjoy each for its own merits, and I constructively criticize them on their own merits.


I'm looking forward to both the new RoF campaign and OFF P4. I'd also like to see 40 planes in the air at once in either sim, as I never have before. Perhaps I will in COD, which I'll also buy as soon as it's released.


I don't feel like we're fighting..each sim has it's merits... I was just passing comment, that I feel ripped off.

I would have felt a little better about it. if they had included an SE5a or Camel in the vanilla version...but a Noop and a Spad?...nah!..there's something just not right about that!

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competition is vital to the survival of the industry. where there are only one or two games in a genre, there's usually only enough money to support one. Put blunty, players are better served supporting the best product and the best developer.


777 has confirmed what i've been saying for 3 years. if it isn't in their business model, it's not going to happen.

There has been a recent push to get the final rof features out, there could be another rof in the works, but more likely it's something else.

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I'd also like to see 40 planes in the air at once in either sim, as I never have before.

JFM, have you ever tried this? Set regional air activity on "high", and select a squadron in a "hot zone"

of the war in 1918. You should see plenty of planes (and your biggest worry shall be, not to collide

with friend or foe). It is amazing, what OFF can create (if your rig is capable, of course).


See also some of Hellshade's videos for such action.

Edited by Olham

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There has been a recent push to get the final rof features out, there could be another rof in the works, but more likely it's something else.

Probably you're right.

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UKW, I meant my comment to be more across-the-board, as I see sim vs sim bickering in oh-so-many threads in oh-so many fora. I meant not to single out you or anyone else and apologize if it came across that I did.


Regarding vanilla RoF, I don't know how you can complain about certain planes when the entire sim was mostly a steaming pile! I know, the SE5a and Camel were just part of a long list. That release was the most I've ever been let down by a sim. They've come a long, long way since then, but even today they don't have the classic Johannistahl-built Albatros D.III (they tart up their Albatros D.III (OAWs) to look like Johannistahl-built machines ) and probably never will. In my view THE classic German scout flown by some of the most famous pilots in one of the most famous periods of the war, and RoF won't build it. I've stated a case for it several times and always the same answer from the devs: "Nobody wants to fly a 160 hp machine, so Yankee go home." Then, later, they released the Albatros D.II... :crazy:


Regarding the 40 planes in the air, I've never done the things you guys have suggested in OFF. I never fly Quick Scenarios, ever. I only fly campaign missions and usually I'm shot down or collided with long before 1918! I'm an early and late-mid war guy. I'm not complaining about not seeing 40 planes, mind you, I'm busy enough with 15 flying around me, but it'd be cool to see. A few times I've found a lone straggler on the deck, heading for his lines. I've had so much fun swooping down to hammer him into oblivion; I'd rather have that than huge furballs. The stealthy, unseen attack was a pivotal scout tactic that hasn't been fully realized in a sim yet due to the AI's ability to auto-see you when close, so any facsimile thereof I enjoy.


In my world, bring on the new RoF campaign, P4, and CoD. I'll add them to the sim cathouse.

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...always the same answer from the devs: "Nobody wants to fly a 160 hp machine, so Yankee go home." Then, later, they released the Albatros D.II... :crazy:

That was a most ignorant answer (to avoid the word "stupid") to give to a WW1 air combat enthusiast, I'd say.


I'm an early and late-mid war guy. I'm not complaining about not seeing 40 planes, mind you, I'm busy enough with 15 flying around me, but it'd be cool to see.

If you prefer 1917, like I also do, then I recommend the Jastas 5, 10 and 28w in summer.

But there is no need to survive until 1918 - you could just enlist a pilot, who wasn't old enough for 1916 or 1917.

I always have one 1918 pilot, just to have the difference. (And it's most tough in an Albatros by then!)


A few times I've found a lone straggler on the deck, heading for his lines. I've had so much fun swooping down to hammer him into oblivion; I'd rather have that than

huge furballs. The stealthy, unseen attack was a pivotal scout tactic that hasn't been fully realized in a sim yet due to the AI's ability to auto-see you when close, so any

facsimile thereof I enjoy.

It would be great, if the AI would not notice an attacker, if he a) came out of the sun, or b) sneaks up from underneath the six.

I'm sure, the devs are quite aware of that it would raise the level a lot - and that they are working on the AI for such reasons.

It must be tough to get that right though.

Maybe it would be possible to use a "random generator" for their awareness, like 50 % chance they don't notice you?

Edited by Olham

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If it wasn't for the fact that my copy wasn't hung around my neck by the DRM ...you could have it free of charge Olham...In fact, I might even go as far as to pay you to get rid of it! :grin:


YOU, YOU, YOU........ YOU HATER YOU! :grin:

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YOU, YOU, YOU........ YOU HATER YOU! :grin:


I havent felt this ripped off since I last bought a season ticket for St James's :lol:

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competition is vital to the survival of the industry. where there are only one or two games in a genre, there's usually only enough money to support one. Put blunty, players are better served supporting the best product and the best developer.


777 has confirmed what i've been saying for 3 years. if it isn't in their business model, it's not going to happen.

There has been a recent push to get the final rof features out, there could be another rof in the works, but more likely it's something else.


I certainly hope 777 studios isn't planning on making a RoF II, as it were. Considering the amount of money players had to dish out in order to buy the sim AND all of the planes, I would think they would lose the major portion of their fan base if they announced a new RoF that didn't support all of their old planes. No, that would be foolish indeed. I think they are just trying to branch out and address some of less well developed aspects of their sim. No, it won't match up what other sims can do, but at least it will be some form of answer as opposed to "we really can't do that at all.".



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I havent felt this ripped off since I last bought a season ticket for St James's :lol:


Eyyyyy, watch it you :grin:.

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