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Any Good A-6 Intruder Skins

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Hey Gang,

I was just wondering if anyone has any good A-6 skins that came from the Column5 website converted for use in SF2. Anyone that would like to share their work. I would love to get my mitts on some good skins. Thanks in advance

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It should be noted that the "conversion" process doesn't affect mapping, as it's mainl ini adjustments, not always model adjustments unless the person specifically improves the model.

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aren't there some over at Paul Nortess' old site "FIst of the Fleet" (linked here at CA)??


otherwise, it's just simply decals for various markings and such (btw: check the various cat files ... squadron badges may already exist)



kevin stein

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There will be.......hint cough hint hint

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It's good to see you back, Paul!!!!

But I'm "concerned" about that sheep in your avatar!! :lol:



kevin stein

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Welcome Back,Paul!!! :clapping:

Just what have you been doing with that sheep? :yikes:

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Hi I am looking for VA-75 Sunday Punchers skin for the A-6A USS Independence 1965-66 circa....http://www.aviation-art.net/ <--- Like this A-6A pic at the bottom....

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Hi bigstone.


Dunno if it's any good to you but I released an A-6 skin along with a stock A-6A with some INI tweaks to more closely represent an A-6E. VA-85, USS Forrestal, '72-'73:


Click here

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The grey/white skins at FOTF are for the stock A-6A; the all grey-lovis ones are for Monty_CZ's A-6A (there's also an A-6E and EA-6A, all available at Column5) and they're not interchangeable. Check the pics below: 1)stock A-6A in VA-35 markings, 2)A-6E by Monty also in VA-35 markings.

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Bigstone, is this what you are talking about? PM me.


Yes CrazyhorseB34 thats the cool skin I am talking about. I really like that squadron because it was the first Intruder squadron to enter combat service in Vietnam. I shall PM you.

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