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I am far from being a repainter, but shouldn't this be relatively easy to do and a nice addition to the Vietnam Expansion Pack?

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I've never tried this one before and it's a nice skin! However the newer SF2 lods being called out for have changes that the original modder could not have anticipated (e.g. built-in tanks) so a bit more work is required.

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VF-213..............F-4B_65 (as USN F-4G) <-------------------------

4th FWg.............F-4E (for TMF F-4E ARN-101)

VF-92 CVA-64........F-4J


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Oh, interesting - I should check if it's included in the Expansion Pack...... (Or can somebody tell already?)

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Hi everybody - hope you enjoyed the Christmas days...


After being "off" for quite some time (due to trouble with my rig, real word stuff and so on), I just updated my SF2V to Nov 2011 and re-applied the Expansion Pack freshly.

...Guess I never really followed up my F-4G "issue".

Over "the process" of updating I saw that the USN-G (VF-213) indeed is included in the XP, but I (still) have difficulty finding/selecting it. When going on "Single Mission" the USN-G does not appear in the list of selectable aircraft.( Even after pre-selecting the mission time to 1965 or 1966 it does not show up.)

I took a look into the aircraft folder and compared the G's .ini with one of another F-4 and it appears pretty much okay to me...


OR: do I have to select the F-4B (65) first and can "switch" to the G by selecting VF-213 in the Loadout-screen later?


Thanks for your guidance.



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It should be listed as:


F-4G Phantom II (USN)


Eric Howes

Edited by eburger68

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Hm, that's what I thought it should - but it's not...


What makes a plane get listed in the drop down? What can I check next?


...Thanks again for addressing to this so soon, Eric.

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It's obviously not installed correctly. Check the Knowledge Base for articles on installing aircraft mods in SF2. That should tell you what to check.


Eric Howes

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on the contrary , he installed all correct the reason you can not see any F-4G is that you dont instal a new aircraft you only add the VF-213 skin to the F-4B_65 so there is no way you can find any F-4G


if you like to have a F-4G you can simply copy the complete F-B_65 folder and rename it to F-4G , than you have to rename the F-4B_65.ini to F-4G.ini and open the now F-4G.ini and replace this entry F-4B Phantom II (65) with F-4G Phantom II


in case you dont have the ini´s in your F-4B_65 folder you have to extract them from the cat.files


or you download this here F-4G_USN :grin:

Edited by ravenclaw_007

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I'm sorry, but that is incorrect. The full F-4G was added in the April 2011 Update. The current September 2011 Update (which is a cumulative update) also includes the full F-4G aircraft. The Rolling Thunder campaign makes use of the F-4G.


The VF-213 skin was not added to the F-4B_65 folder. Rather the FULL AIRCRAFT was added in the update. The same holds true, btw, for the Gen 1 version of the Expansion Pack.


Eric Howes

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VF-213..............F-4B_65 (as USN F-4G) <-------------------------

4th FWg.............F-4E (for TMF F-4E ARN-101)

VF-92 CVA-64........F-4J






I'm sorry, but that is incorrect. The full F-4G was added in the April 2011 Update. The current September 2011 Update (which is a cumulative update) also includes the full F-4G aircraft. The Rolling Thunder campaign makes use of the F-4G.


The VF-213 skin was not added to the F-4B_65 folder. Rather the FULL AIRCRAFT was added in the update. The same holds true, btw, for the Gen 1 version of the Expansion Pack.


Eric Howes



i asume that Stingray has not the latest update , the same as me , and therefor installed the skinpack like dave pointed above and in this case there would be no F-4G in the game :grin:


at least i dont have any other F-4G than the converted F-4B_65 with Vf-213 skin :cool:

Edited by ravenclaw_007

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F-4G (USN) in a Third Wire update? I don't think so.

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F-4G (USN) in a Third Wire update? I don't think so.


I think eburger is referring to the air&ground expansion pack for SF2V

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should be about 10-20 minutes of ini work to recreate it as a stand alone bird, using Ant's skin.


when I get bored of targeting the Central America map, I can whip one out in a day or so

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well, that didn't take no time at all!!

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Hey guys - I'm puzzled now...


That's what I did: I reapplied Eric's April-version (latest) Expansion Pack to my freshly updated (Nov 2011) SF2V.


I DO have a full F-4G USN-folder (with its set of skins and ini's) in my mod's aircraft-folder - so it's all in there, but doesn't appear in game.... :blink:

Must admit that I didn't find the time to check out anything else yesterday - so your input/comments are still much appreciated.




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The latest update for the Expansion Pack is September 2011, not April 2011. And before asking folks to walk you through a step-by-step process, go through the KB first on your own and do some checking. For example:




And then compare with an aircraft that you know is working.


Also, try flying the F-4G from a Rolling Thunder campaign. What happens if you select the F-4G for a campaign?


Eric Howes

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First thing to check now, will be if I really am on Apr oder Sep 11 version of the XP (although there should not be much of a change concerning the F-4G). Thanks for that hint. :drinks:


I will follow the "Converting older Planes..."-guide you pointed me to as a next step then.


And maybe I should try out RT-campaign on F-4G before doing both just to make sure. Until now I only tried to select the G for single missions...


Thanks for your guidance, Eric. :good:

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Brief update:

- I am on Apr 11

- G is no optional a/c when starting Rolling Thunder

- starting F-4B_65 in Single Mission and selecting VF-213 does only bring the grey schemes...


I will go on Sep 11 next and check the Converting-guide then...

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Okay, I finally got this solved - I found out that my back-up of the update-folder was screwed, so there were just incomplete F-4G-Aircraft- and Decal-data copied into the mod folder.


As I still had a back-up of an install with a working F-4G, I simply copied back the G's Aircraft and Decals-docs back into the mod-folder and all is well again, now...


As always: it was a mistake on the user's (MY) side.

But thanks again for your support!

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