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I wanna have a face off with MvR

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Hello gang


Can anyone advise me which Allied squadron, and timescale in campaign, that would give me an opportunity to face MvR in his Red Triplane?



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Well, according to MvR's victory list, his first victory in 1918 was on 12 March.

(Don't know, which victories he had on the Triplane in 1917)


From 12 March until his end he met fighters from the following squads (I only show scouts we have in OFF):


March 12 - No. 64: BrisFit: 62 Sdn, RFC

March 13 - No. 65: Camel: 73 Sqdn, RFC

March 18 - No. 66: Camel: 54 Sqdn, RFC

March 24 - No. 67: S.E.5a: 41 Sqdn, RFC

March 25 - No. 68: Camel: 3 Sqdn, RFC


March 27 - No. 71: Camel: 73 Sqdn, RFC

March 27 - No. 72: BrisFit: possibly 11 Sdn, RFC

March 27 - No. 73: BrisFit: 11 Sdn, RFC

April 6 - No. 76: Camel: 46 Sqdn, RFC

April 7 - No. 77: S.E.5a: possibly 24 Sqdn, RFC

April 7 - No. 78: Camel: 73 Sqdn, RFC

April 20 - No. 79: Camel: 3 Sqdn, RFC

April 20 - No. 80: Camel: 3 Sqdn, RFC


So pick your choice, and much success, my friend! :good:

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Try Bloody April in 1917. I've seen MvR many times with his Jasta around Arras in my RFC bomber careers. Not a very encouraging sight for a two-seater pilot!


Edit: Of course MvR won't be flying his Fokker in Bloody April, but that's the time period when I've seen him most often.

Edited by Hasse Wind

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Well, he wanted to see him in his red Triplane....

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PS: one advice from me for your fight, Widow - if you pick the Camel; don't let him drag you into left round turning.

The Fokker Dr.1 doesn't seem to have a "good side" and a "bad side" - it turns like a devil.

The Camel though is superb in right turns, but slow in left turns.

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Thanks Chaps...I'm sure I will meet this fellow...how it will end? :drinks:

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you should try 56th since it was considered by the germans (or at least by the german press) as the anti-richthofen geschwader. since they put the best pilots into it and they "coincidentally" followed everywhere the jg1 went along the frontlines.

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Thanks Chaps...I'm sure I will meet this fellow...how it will end? :drinks:


Well it shouldn't be in a Snipe anyway :no:

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Well it shouldn't be in a Snipe anyway :no:


I'm holding out for a BF-109 to be a worthy adversary for me and my Snipe!!! :lol:

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MvR in a Bf109 would be even nastier.

I have signed in with 24 Sqdn, RFC, cause they are flying in his area. You got me infected, Widow!

But I am pretty ceratin: in RL we would not have wished to meet him.

We might not even have caught a glimpse of the red Triplane, before it was over.


Anyway - I feel quite confident in my S.E.5a (wonderful craft!) - in OFF. :cool:

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I've been flying 56 in 1917 for a while now and I've only seen Jasta 11 once. Freakily it happened on May 7th, the same day 56 met Jasta 11 in real life and Albert Ball died. The squadrons I tend to run into most are Jasta 3, 6, 12, 29, and MFJ I. Not sure where 11 is at, but frankly I'm not too eager to find out y'know?

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I wonder if Shredward and the devs may have gone so far, as to let Jasta 11 operate historically,

where they really have been hunting back in those days?


Knowing, that MvR shot down an aircraft near Nauroy on 12 March 1918, I will click "optional flight"

so long now on that day, until I get a mission in that area. Who knows - perhaps I meet him?

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MvR in a Bf109 would be even nastier.

I have signed in with 24 Sqdn, RFC, cause they are flying in his area. You got me infected, Widow!

But I am pretty ceratin: in RL we would not have wished to meet him.

We might not even have caught a glimpse of the red Triplane, before it was over.


Anyway - I feel quite confident in my S.E.5a (wonderful craft!) - in OFF. :cool:



Hmmm, Looks like I might try this out in QC, a Bf109, vs an SE5a Viper, but I doubt I'll barely last long enough to gain enough altitude before his cannon rounds vaporize me..

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Lewie, if you try that, your best chance is your turn ability.

If he hits you, your sawdust.

But he would find it hard with his higher speed, to get behind you.

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Lewie, if you try that, your best chance is your turn ability.

If he hits you, you're sawdust.

But he would find it hard with his higher speed, to get behind you.


Yeah this would almost be better in a Camel. Did you ever hear about the 3 RAF WWII Avro Ansons that were tasked with defending the Dunkirque harbor during the evacuation of Dunkirque? Well they weren't alone, there was quite a few Hurricanes and Fairey Battles..


It's an interesting footnote about outclassed aircraft in a dogfight.

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I didn't even know the Avro Anson.

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I didn't even know the Avro Anson.


ah it's not a widely known about aircraft as it was mostly for training and coastal patrol "Early in the war, an Anson scored a probable hit on a German U-boat. In June 1940, a flight of three Ansons was attacked by nine Luftwaffe Messerschmitt Bf 109s. Remarkably, the Ansons downed two German aircraft "and damaging a third before the 'dogfight' ended""


This was of course in the meelee of the evacuation of Dunkirque and there was a lot of chaos at the time. Still the Anson's crews kept their heads on considering they were out numbered 3 to 1.




Edited by Lewie

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Okay, now I have checked the craft at Wikipedia. What I found was a twin engine craft.

But you're kidding me: that type would NEVER outperform a Messerschmidt Bf-109.

And definitely not, when it was even outnumbered by them. That must be one of those

"heads up stories" to fire the morale. Or the German pilots were all drunk.

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I've had a 'close encounter' with the baron only once. Wish I could tell you what sqn I was in at the time. But it's been too long now.

Flying the camel, that's all i remember. Managed to snap a shot of him as he burst through the clouds. At the time I was by myself,

returning home. Simply put the nose down and dove for the field. Never did see any of his mates.


(note *not* in his tripe here. just his alby)


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Not many could report to have seen him this close, and got away - with a picture even!

As for his comrades - they were there.

And it was good, that you didn't think of attacking the lone "red battleflyer", MackIroy.

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Although he cunningly appeared suddenly out of the clouds, he still didn't get the drop on you! A testament to your situational awareness, I say!

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It's like a Big Foot sighting photo!


Yeah, that could easily have been a bit of red lint..:yikes:

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