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eBay bargain, grab it now for $10.00,

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Good Morning All,


Right now an eBay you can snag Frank Tallman's wonderful book, "Flying The Old Planes", for $10.00 US! Click on the following link:


Flying The Old Planes


I have this one on my bookshelf, and I can recommend it highly. Frank gives wonderful insight into what it is like to actually fly a fair number of the WWI kites, and offers up some good humor in the process. At the "Buy Now" price of a ten spot this is an excellent value.







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Bought! Thanks for the tip Lou, sorry to anyone else who wanted it drinks.gif

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Bought! Thanks for the tip Lou, sorry to anyone else who wanted it drinks.gif


That was quick, I might have bid on that if I hadn't been so sluggish this morning.

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Good for you Javito, you will enjoy the read. Lewie, as you can see from Olham and DonL's postings, there are other copies to be had, though not quite as cheaply priced. $10 is the lowest I have seen that book go for in a long time.



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Thanks Oldham. The $15 version is now gone. I'll have it in about 2 weeks.

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I'm sorry I just can't stop laughing at the typo 'Old Ham' rofl.gif

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This book is terrific.

If you can afford it, it provides real insights into the flight characteristics of these "old planes".




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Arrived today, been reading it in between homework and laddering in Crysis 2. I really like the description of flying the Berliot. It sounds genuinely freaking terrifying and I would never be caught dead flying the damn thing, but it's very interesting to read about.


Again, thanks for the heads up Lou. $10 for this puppy is a steal. I can't wait to read the chapter on the tricky beast called Sopwith Camel.

Edited by Javito1986

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I'm sorry I just can't stop laughing at the typo 'Old Ham'

Well, that's a real English family name: Oldham - while Olham is just MY family name backwards.

Spelled like the detective from the Raymond Chandler stories.



Are there only Entente aircraft in that book, or also my Albatros; perchance?

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No Albatros I'm afraid, but there are chapters on flying the Fokker Triplane, D.VII, and Pfalz D.XII.


Also the book itself has a very thick smell of cigarette smoke! Wonder what old badger's home it's been sitting in all these years? grin.gif

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I'll get it next month, I think - sounds interesting.

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I love it when Frank talking about flying the Eindecker E.III says

"...Boelcke and Immelmann received the Pour le Mérite flying E III's...

...and as far as this slightly chicken aviator is concerned, anyone who would loop the E III and then half roll on top deserves this decoration"

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Yes indeed Pol. Frank's sense of humor is one of the things that makes this book such a good read.




Javito, if you take the book and place it in a large zip lock bag with a couple of dryer sheets you can lose the ciggy smell.



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