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Ladies and Gentemen let me introduce the new dressed A-TEAM SWIFT.


post-5138-0-19050600-1302092725.jpgpost-5138-0-19267700-1302091196.jpgpost-5138-0-81225000-1302091207.jpg post-5138-0-04829700-1302091758.jpg



ALL 2nd & 79th Sq. RAF Germany planes done, with com. pennant too.


Carlo aka 'soulfreak' and Alfie aka Spinners helped me (the last made bars, taifins & roundels)


This model needs some mapping fix from its creator and some FM tweaks from FM gurus.


So I'm calling Baffmeister & Starfighter2 to work on this baby.


Whould You?




PS I just put the Swift in the campaign .....

Edited by paulopanz

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:good: Looks good Paulino! :grin:

BTW, SF2 Version would be nice!!!!

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I demand immediate release!!!



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looks much better!!

Good job guys!!!



kevin stein

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Hey Folks! I was wrong .... this is for 2nd gen :oops:


... but it could be converted for SF1, too .






PS the model it's the old one, the skins and the decals are 100% new.

Edited by paulopanz

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This one looks great in pure aluminumnumnum, although they say its high altitude performance wasn't there.


I need an NAA F-93, and the best overall stand-in may be Timmy's Lansen, but if I use Sweden in my campaign, second best may be Swift, cameo'd out in aluminumnumnum of course.

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An improved near perfect model, with proper new belly tank (:grin: ) is in the makings.


I have planned 3 skins dress:


2nd Squadron (done)


79Th Squadron (done except leader own plane)


Silver one (to do) [even if so few FR 5 flew in this livery]


So stay tuned.



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The project so far ....


model & skins 99% done


FM tweakings in being by Baffmeister.




1st and 2nd gen plane realise.


These are 2nd gen in Win XP with historical loadout (conformal tank).





Edited by paulopanz

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Well, an edited data.ini is in testing now at Baffmeister Works Ltd.


The plane takes off on the velvet now!


About realise I think to upload here, after the full plane at A-TEAM site, a RAF oriented 1956 camp with more planes and historical loadouts edits ....


So stay tuned.


Paul :drinks:

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Hey Folks!

You can GRAB it now (2nd gen; 1st incoming) at A-TEAM site! :good:


If You like it I will post some tweaks and a dedicated camp to fly it alongsinde the old Venom ....





Edited by paulopanz

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Hello !


Super airplane ! Regarding download. A-team site is just members only. I had traied to apply for membership via mail (as instructed) but recieved no answer. Is anybody here able to help me ? I´am making YAP style mission set, based on historical and semihistorical events, where european aircraft carriers were or could have been involved. Some aircraft from A-team would be really handy to add for more realistic feeling. Thanx for answer, if anybody knows how to get mi in to A-team site.

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send a mail, ask for permition and hope for the best.

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