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Got bored the other night so I figured what the hell I'll go kill something. Loaded up SF and realized that it had bee a long time since I chased down a Mig into the ground. So I'm back into this game for a while and I figure that I'll be here and the Pub more often than of late. For those who don't know me, I used to be one of the resident experts in aviation ordnance, and sometime beta tester. So anyway, this is my way of kicking the door in and saying "hi did you miss me?" I really do enjoy this game, it's one of my many guilty pleasures but I some how stopped playing. I just have one burning question, should I bother to get the second gen games or stick with what I have? I don't want to learn everything over again.


See you around and if anyone has and ordnance or NAVAIR related question ask me, if the answer is unclassed I'll give you the straight dope.

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SF2 really is the way to go... so many improvements...


You don't have to worry about relearning everything for SF2, it's basically the same. The differences are the core files are located in the protected regions of the HD, and all the 'goodies' (aka 'the mods folder') are in the MyDocuments (xp) or SavedGames (vista/win7)


The formats of the folders are the same, expect for one major exception ... decals now MUST be in the /Objects/Decals folder. SOme minor moving of folders/files is necessary (and then deletion of unneeded stuff in said skin folders), but it's easy


Good to see you back again!



kevin stein

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If you have a Windows 7 PC with a decent DirectX 10 or 11 video card, don't hesitate to get into the SF2 series. Get SF2E to try it out. If you like it, get expansion pack 2 to get the built-in mission editor. If you are still happy, make sure to buy everything and then install them in the right order to get a hassle-free merged installation. There is really only one loss with the SF2 series: multiplayer, which is no loss at all for most SF fans. In all other ways, SF2 is noticably better: graphics, frame rates, RWR displays, aircraft variants, cockpit detail, AI, etc.

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Thanks for the info guys, I still have the same dinosaur rig I started out with so I guess I'll with the first gen for now. Mayby if I hit the lottery, naw, the wife will take her 80% and insist I fix her rig first. Anyway the first mission I flew after getting the control ini problem worked out was the SoCal Campaign that Wrench cooked up a while back. Chased some poor Mig Driver into the ridge near NAS Moffet. Forgot how fast the frames run compared to MSFS, total rush. Going to look for some goodies to add and then look for a fight.

C Ya!

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what is the dinosaur your speakin of? if you have vista or newer SF2 is much better. i believe it even works on XP tho dunno how well. hell im runnin a compaq presario c700 laptop so you know im not exactly state of the art here and i get way better operation than i did Gen1 on my XP machine or on here. not to mention the filepaths for the mods got simple enough this noob could get into it and not botch his installs. as for wives, i understand that. two and a half years into Gen2 being out and i'm about to finally have the full merged install. think thats when TK will release SF Tomcat!

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!! did I ever apoligize for putting that SAM battery in your backyard, on the SoCal map??? :rofl:



kevin stein

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!! did I ever apoligize for putting that SAM battery in your backyard, on the SoCal map??? :rofl:



kevin stein

Yes you did, it's near the Buck Owens Studio so I have to use PGMs to avoid pissing off the rednecks.

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My rig is a dinosaur rig, but it has the 2 key components to make SF2 glide: a DX10 OS and a good DX10 card.

SF2 is playable on XP in DX9, but I was in the 20-30 fps range with some 15 fps drops, not even doing heavy Hanoi/SAM missions.

Switched to Win7 and HD4890, now play in the 30-50 fps range with some 20-25 fps drops even while doing heavy Hanoi/SAM missions.

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My rig is a dinosaur rig, but it has the 2 key components to make SF2 glide: a DX10 OS and a good DX10 card.

SF2 is playable on XP in DX9, but I was in the 20-30 fps range with some 15 fps drops, not even doing heavy Hanoi/SAM missions.

Switched to Win7 and HD4890, now play in the 30-50 fps range with some 20-25 fps drops even while doing heavy Hanoi/SAM missions.


Okay, my rig is a 2003 Dell 2350 with a 2.8GHz Celeron CPU,1GB Memory, DX9c, Radeon 9250w/256MB memory. Plus numerous external HDs only thing different from when we used to do the MSFS flights on MJ's old server was upgrade my connection to broadband. This thing is ancient but it needs to last a while longer before I can get a new machine, every time I have the money something breaks or someone winds up in the hospital.


BTW, just spent a long time adding and upgrading some birds and weapon packs.Hopefully I didn't kill the install, even if I did I always keep a clean unaltered install on a separate drive.


Now, for sure, time to fly.

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I think my 1.2GHz P3 with a Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB is a better rig than yours for playing just about anything as long as my gpu memory is enough ;)

The increase in texture sizes in SF2 could only hurt it as I used to resize addon textures down to SFP1 stock sizes to help out performance.

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