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Farewell MvR

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On this day in History....... :salute:

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Thanks for the reminder, Widowmaker.

I have just checked the BUNDESARCHIV about Manfred von Richthofen's death, and here's what I found.


This dokument shows the note about Manfred von Richthofen's death, as it was dropped over German lines by British pilots.

Also attached was this photo, showing his decorated grave.

After unsuccessful efforts to gain clarification about Richthofen's fate, this news was the first confirmation of his death.


Many of the ground troops behaved rather impiously immediately after von Richthofen's death and plundered the dead flyer.

Not so the British aviators. Officers of the Royal Flying Corps acted as true and honorable gentlemen here.



Edited by Olham

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Hard to believe it's been 93 years. I was 14 when they noted the 50-year mark of his death, and I remember that like it was last week. Time's a tricky thing.


"SALUTE" to the Ace of Ace's. :salute:



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to the ACE of Ace's





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I speculate more than a few, based on "what-ifs" 21 years later.

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