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Which file extension are you?

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I'm sure we've all gotten some of those email tests that tell you about yourself. Well here's one that actually means something to us computer geeks :D


What file extention are you?


Here's what I ended up with: mp3.jpg

Edited by SlickWili

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Here's mine, lol. I don't think they liked it when I selected "Morons with too much time on their hands" as my who-created-this-quiz response. :spiteful:


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Well hered mine, I don't agree with it and if I get my hands on the SOB that came up with it I'll,I'll................................AAAAAUGH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :help:


It Wont show !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by firehawkordy

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Does this mean Im a liar AND an idiot???




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