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Well, bit the bullet and I am now the owner of WoI, figured that I might get at least all the base games, saw some interesting mods for WoI the other day. So now it's official, I'm FIrehawkordy and I am a Third Wire addict.

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Sorry Hawk, when you get all the SF2 series then.....youre an addict..... :lol:

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Sorry Hawk, when you get all the SF2 series then.....youre an addict..... :lol:


Second that...:grin:

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Then I'm a 'holic because I can't afford a new system do to the 2nd gen games justice :alcoholic:

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As it is, WoI was nearly up to SF2 standards and with only DX9 support, its performance showed it on my machine. Despite the slight degradation in performance, WoI looked so good and played so well that it was worth it! I even got some online multiplayer time with WoI. The AI improvement was the best part for me. For the first time AI would fly low and terrain masking would block and/or degrade radar and missiles. The F-4 lost its unrealistic ability to snipe with Sparrows unless the target was clear of ground clutter. This made flying F-4s far more challenging and historically accurate, especially if it was a variant without a gun.


I had bought a new machine between WoV and WoE and it ran great even with mirrors and shadows. The only graphics setting I knocked down was Horizon to Near. With each release after WoV, my machine got slower and slower as increases in poly counts, texture sizes, pixel shaders, etc. took their toll. By the time WoI was released, I felt like I was playing on my old P3/Radeon 9800 Pro machine having to turn off mirrors and shadows to get good frame rates. The arrival of SF2 with DX10 support combined with an OS upgrade to Win 7 64-bit and a Radeon 4890 1GB brought mirrors and shadows back, though I still play with Horizon set to Near.

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I'm FIrehawkordy and I am a Third Wire addict.

(not as if we didn't suspect this already...)


:lol: (i've got ALL TOS and NextGens!!) I'm an addict, too!



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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I have the full early series and the full second series now I just need to reinstall everything again as I have a screwed merged install... but hey it all still works just :blink:


And yes I have some of the Early ones installed for certain mods from here... like ODS...

Edited by Slartibartfast

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