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Max FPS of Game Engine?

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Hi all, after a few years of 20-30 FPS on my old rig I've now upgraded but have seemed to hit a limit of 200 FPS (overkill I know :grin:). Is this the game engine limiting the FPS (it's a hard limit, not a single FPS over) or maybe something on my setup?

Edited by ianh755

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Your eyes can't detect any difference in FPS above 32 while gaming. And If you hit 200fps, why do you need to go higher?

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for the same reason tim "the tool man" taylor needed to put a jet engine on a lawn mower :grin:

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Don´t be too greedy. Anything above 25fps is playable, anything above 50fps is excelent, anything above 100fps is totally unnecessary (unless you play an online first person shooter, but that´s not the case).

Edited by Jaman

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I don't "need" to go higher but it'd be nice to see what my rig can do :cool: (and I can use "Instant Action" for benchmarking). I've hit 233fps (1920x1080 Unlimited) in SF2:E so I don't think there's a FPS limit however in comparison, HAWX2 with the same DX10-11 setup is hitting 330fps which shows how intensive the SF2 series really is!

Edited by ianh755

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Intel i7 2600K 3.4Ghz overclocked to 4.60Ghz on Corsair H70 water-cooling with Nvidia GTX580 graphics, 16Gb RAM, 120Gb Vertex 3 SSD & 1Tb SATA3 Seagate HD all in an Antec 1200 case. Here's a review with pics I did - http://forums.overcl....php?t=18272814


It's mainly for First Person Shooters (ARMA II, BF3, BF:BC2, Crysis etc) with a few flight sims thrown in (FSX, SF2:E/I/V, Falcon 4.0 etc) and my previous Xeon 3.5Ghz Nvidia GTX280 PC was really starting to show the strain!

Edited by ianh755

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That is one heck of a set up!!

Mainly for FPS? Dude you can run anything you want on that beast hehe :drinks:

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I've got the same CPU but I've not bothered to OC it beyond the standard turbo because I've not run into any games that are CPU limited yet! My 5850 is the bottleneck now, but I'm waiting until the next gen of GPUs before I upgrade again! Either an AMD 7950 or nvidia GTX 670? I don't know what I get in the TW sims, but whatever it is more than equals "perfectly smooth".

The funny thing is when TK put the DX10 optimizations into SF2 he sped the engine up quite a lot with a small increase in visual quality vs playing it on WinXP...so you get better performance AND a better picture than in the gen 1 sims.


Anyway, get the fps too high and you just get miserable frame tearing anyway, unless you have a monitor with a 200Hz refresh? :grin:

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try DCS Warthog with cluster set to 500m and 1024xevery frame TV output :wink:


seriously, nice system, and a bit too much frames to notice as guys above wrote -try adding lots of high resolution, high definition mods (Mirage Factory planes, some terrian mods) to it -you'd be surprised how fast you'll loose all the extra (extra=above 35-40 or so) frames :rofl:

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Intel i7 2600K 3.4Ghz overclocked to 4.60Ghz on Corsair H70 water-cooling with Nvidia GTX580 graphics, 16Gb RAM, 120Gb Vertex 3 SSD & 1Tb SATA3 Seagate HD all in an Antec 1200 case. Here's a review with pics I did - http://forums.overcl....php?t=18272814


It's mainly for First Person Shooters (ARMA II, BF3, BF:BC2, Crysis etc) with a few flight sims thrown in (FSX, SF2:E/I/V, Falcon 4.0 etc) and my previous Xeon 3.5Ghz Nvidia GTX280 PC was really starting to show the strain!


Hey I got a question about liquid cooling. Do you need to replace the coolant? If so, how often?



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Hi Stary - I'm getting those FPS using your excellent 1024x1024 Germany tiles & Unified Effects pack with a mix of thirdparty A/C (a few MF ones like the F-14a/b etc) as that's my standard "setup" for SF2. I haven't checked the FPS of the stock game but I'll give it ago to see the difference.


Hi FalconC45 - It's a sealed system so no maintenance, unlike my last W/C'd system which needed a little top up every 6 months and a full refill/clean once a year.

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One quick stock install later (1920x1080 Unlimited - daft Min FPS from when screenshot taken) -




and with Stary High Res terrain, Better Widesky & MF F-14B



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