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Your fantasy vs. the OFF reality?

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Beecoz vee Dsherrmanns hav der "Tarnhelm" - a cap of invizibility from der Nibelungen!




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Nibelungenlied. Never heard of that? Siegfried, who bathed in a dragon's blood to become invincible?

And the Tarnhelm, that he got from a dwarf, and that made him invisible?

Yeah, such stories are much older than "Lord of the Rings", old chap!



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Well you clearly know more about the mechanics of the N17 than I.


Whats moving around in the OFF cockpit - just the aileron pushrods and bellcrank?


I have to fire up the OFF the Nupe campaign again to check, but here's the N12 from Targetware. The joystick's lower end is somewhat hidden by the seat in this shot, but the fulcrum it pivots on to move the ailerons, is a cruciform shaped device which has it's lateral ends connected to the pushrods running up to the aileron bell cranks in the wings, the two big greyish tubes close to the front end of the seat are the pushrods. The whole mechanism is articulated except for the 1/3rd circle cable sheave on the joystick for the elevator cables since TW doesn't do mesh warping or deformations or even keyframing in version 0.64 it's not possible.


Second image it appears that the pushrods don't articualte with the bellcranks, an the joystick fulcrum is below a floor fascia. But then the N17 is a bit different from the earlier N12 two seater.



Edited by Lewie

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Nibelungenlied. Never heard of that? Siegfried, who bathed in a dragon's blood to become invincible?

And the Tarnhelm, that he got from a dwarf, and that made him invisible?

Yeah, such stories are much older than "Lord of the Rings", old chap!




However, on their wedding night, Brünhild suspects something is amiss with her situation, particularly suspecting Siegfried a potential cause. Gunther attempts to sleep with her and, with her great strength, she easily ties Gunther up and leaves him that way all night. After telling Siegfried of this, Siegfried again offers his help. Siegfried proposes that he slip into their chamber at night with his invisibility cloak and silently beat Brünhild into submission. Gunther agrees but says that Siegfried must not sleep with Brünhild. Siegfried slips into the room according to plan and after a difficult and violent struggle, an invisible Siegfried defeats Brünhild. Siegfried then takes her ring and belt, which are symbols of defloration. Here it is implied that Siegfried sleeps with Brünhild despite Gunther's request. Afterwards, Brünhild no longer possesses her once-great strength and says she will no longer refuse Gunther.



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Just curious, how come you can see the body of the pilot on some planes (ie; Strutter) but not on others (ie; Albatros D.II)?


Some of them had full body pilots visible from the 'head' view, some didn't. I think the body looks a little big from the headview, but they are wearing Sidcots which were pretty bulky.

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However, on their wedding night, Brünhild suspects something is amiss with her situation, particularly suspecting Siegfried a potential cause. Gunther attempts to sleep with her and, with her great strength, she easily ties Gunther up and leaves him that way all night. After telling Siegfried of this, Siegfried again offers his help. Siegfried proposes that he slip into their chamber at night with his invisibility cloak and silently beat Brünhild into submission. Gunther agrees but says that Siegfried must not sleep with Brünhild. Siegfried slips into the room according to plan and after a difficult and violent struggle, an invisible Siegfried defeats Brünhild. Siegfried then takes her ring and belt, which are symbols of defloration. Here it is implied that Siegfried sleeps with Brünhild despite Gunther's request. Afterwards, Brünhild no longer possesses her once-great strength and says she will no longer refuse Gunther.



Heavy stuff, innit? :grin:

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Actually really good stuff Olham. :good: I studied this in Composition & Literature in college and remember it well.

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Haha - so you fooled me! And I thought, this must be hardly known anywhere outside Europe. :good:

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E.III. Flew it in P2 and had a great career until archie round an Allied balloon ended it. Leapt onto it in P3 and couldn't outfly anything other than a BE2 and even then it took me ages to bring one down.


Don't know whether it was the FM or the PM (i.e. me) that had changed but I found it extremely frustrating.

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I didn't fly the E.III before BHaH, and I think it may be made quite believeable.

You need to fly it like an early, comparably weak kite, with good use of energy.

I have even fought Nieuport 11 in it and won! Although, I constantly felt the threat

of "smearing off" due to a lack of lift in turns.

If you fly the DH-2 first, and then subtract 1/3 of it's flying abilities, you should

get to grips with it, Dej. Pretty challenging, though.

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When I first began flying OFF it was in P3, and I had just come over from RB3D, so I have nothing close to compare the planes to other than all the accounts and reports I've read over the years concerning the real kites. That, and some stick time in actual ultralight aircraft, which I figure is as close as I will ever come to flying an honest-to-god WWI aeroplane.



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"Your fantasy vs. the OFF reality?"


My fantasy - that I would make a great scout pilot, adored by all for my ability to cut swathes through the ranks of enemy fliers.


The OFF reality - I'm probably more suited to waving the chaps off on a mission, waving my hankie at them - from the ground...

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"Toodles chaps, safe flying. Watch out for the Hun in the sun! I’ll whip up a batch of scones whilest your away, and have them AND fresh tea ready and waiting upon your return."




By the way Si, you clean up quite nicely. You know, we are looking for someone to play Yum-Yum in this season's squadron performance of "The Mikado". Interested?



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... The OFF reality - I'm probably more suited to waving the chaps off on a mission, waving my hankie at them - from the ground...

Reminds of the great W. C. Fields, when he tells the story from his great deeds fighting off indians as a trapper:


"...so I pulled out my Bowie knife, and I cut - my - way - through a wall of human flesh - my canoe always right behind me!"


Couldn't find the sketch, so here is another wonderful short about this great old loser:


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"By the way Si, you clean up quite nicely. You know, we are looking for someone to play Yum-Yum in this season's squadron performance of "The Mikado". Interested?"


Thank you; my weekend name is Lucille - listen to my adventures on freephone 123321, or text the words "bafflingly" and "pathetic" to....

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Si, you've just made me spit coffee all over my monitor.



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Oh, we're all lumberjacks here, Lou :wink:

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"Three little maids from school are we,

Pert as a school-girl well can be,

Filled to the brim with girlish glee,

Three little MAAAAAAAIDS from school!"


:girl_haha: :girl_haha: :girl_haha:



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I'm almost beginning to understand why CA runs that front page add for uniformeddating.com...


So: Siemens-Shuckert DIV or Sopwith Salamander?

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Siemens-Schuckert D.III or D.IV, any time, mighty - no question!

Pol, Winder, Shredder - can you give the guys a vague release date, perchance?

They are all getting nuts around here!

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I did not think we could be any more vague than we already have been.:rofl: :rofl:

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OK, now THAT was funny Shredward.



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I'm almost beginning to understand why CA runs that front page add for uniformeddating.com...


uniNformeddating.com is MUCH more fun. :grin:

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I'm almost beginning to understand why CA runs that front page add for uniformeddating.com...


So: Siemens-Shuckert DIV or Sopwith Salamander?


Just make sure the SS DIV doesn't use the Ersatz oil.

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