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the lowest of the low

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I think it's the lowest.


If he tries to do that again, he will be higher (no guts, not that brave) or too much low (dead or wounded / fully responsible of the crash).

It's a matter of luck, not skill, imvho.

No safety...

...not good, someone's gonna be grounded.


I love low passes, but I hate crashes.



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The line of semi-burnt grass is kinda cool :cool:

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Sorry, but I don't thinki that was cool or smart at all. I saw someone go too low at an airshow practice one time and we never even found any few charred pieces of him.


The spectators were lucky to have not been creamed/sucked into the intake!

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Sorry, but I don't thinki that was cool or smart at all. I saw someone go too low at an airshow practice one time and we never even found any few charred pieces of him.


The spectators were lucky to have not been creamed/sucked into the intake!


Exactly correct.


If you want to risk your own life with your own equipment, that's just fine and good on ya.


However, once you risk spectator's lives and/or government equipment, especially for an impromptu 'airshow', you cross the line from 'cool' to 'reckless' and 'irresponsible'.



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The pilots an IDIOT!!!!!

If he is military he should have wings pulled and be spending a few months in the brig prior to his bad conduct discharge.

When you endanger spectators lives,it is not a show. It is a criminal act of negligence.

That could easily have been a 500 kt 12000 lb napalm bomb.

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que the riot squads of people raging at the vid.




Also...is it me or do the french seem to get lowe rand lower when it comes to insane s**t like this? Plus those so called spectators might have been military personnel or people with special clearances like always.

Wreckless, yes, dangerous, yes. But do the french care? if they did they wouldnt be doing this crazy s**t with theyre planes *assuming theyre french or german from the color* so you can only assume they know what theyre doing.

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My amateur opinion is that it is ABSOLUTELY UNPROFESSIONAL, it's improvised (maybe to impress some female onlookers?) , risking lives and equipment.

During a meticulously planned airshow routine it's something else.

Both the KLu F 27 demo by capt. Boy Soons / capt. Jan Reffeltrath and the F-104 demo by capt. Hans v.d. Werf in the seventies and eighties had been completely screened and calculated by the NLR Aviation Laboratory and approved of. During take off they climbed just a few feet and retracted gear, pulling up steeply at the end of the runway, all parallel to the crowdline at a safe distance.....








Edited by Derk

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"During a meticulously planned airshow routine it's something else."


Precisely the difference! And even there, things don't always go well. How many crashes have occured at airshows or rehersals? More than a few.


The burnt charcoal isn't worth it.

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