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LOMAC Minimum System Specs released!!!!

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Man those are steep mins. alot of people are going to squeek in or not have the system to run it.

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Man those are steep mins. alot of people are going to squeek in or not have the system to run it.

Actually, I was thinking they were lower then what I thought they would be... :lol:

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I just hope they are accurate. I hate having a system that equals or surpasses the recommended specs, yet not being able to run the game at full graphics.

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Don't forget, these are Minimum specs, not recommended specs. I'm sure you will need quite a bit higher for full-detail on. 8)


Windows®98/ME/XP Only

Pentium III 800/AMD Athlon 600 or better

256 MB RAM (512 MB RAM recommended)

3D video card (DirectX 8.1 compatible) w/16MB RAM (32MB recommended)

Sound Card (Direct 8.1 compatible)

DirectX 8.1 or higher (included on disc)

4X CD-ROM or better (Not recommended for use with CD-RWs)

Internet connection (56 kbps or better) or LAN for multiplayer

Hard Drive Space 900+ MB


The only odd thing I see is the "Not recommended for use with CD-RWs" statement. What in the heck would that have to do with anything?

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I would say that they consider the read speeds of CD-RW drives to be insufficient, I guess.


I know those are only the minimums, its just that I have seen many games advertise extremely low min specs, while the recommended system performs at what you would expect of the min.


I am just saying I want honest numbers, so that if my system manages to surpass the recommended, I can expect smooth gameplay and great graphics.

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I think it has more do with anti-copy software, and CD-RW drive units.


MJ, I was thinking more like you, in that the specs are lower than I imagined. However as long as it's not anther Janes FA-18 (for those who remember the min specs issue with that release).


Anyway the good thing in it is that by releasing those specs that says to me Ubi Soft is gearing up for the release, so put away your pennys boys and girls. :D



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I still play F-18...I hope the MP and the game play is as smooth as that.

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I experienced a lot of "packet loss" in F-18 especially when trying to fly formation... (The other planes moving forward and back like the system couldn't decide on where the jet really actually was. This is not something I'd like to see in LOMAC. hehehe Although Jane's F-18 remains one of my most favorite coop games ever..

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WOOOHOO!!! I'm gonna be able to run lock on sooooo well :D those mins are well, really minimum, I've got probably 2 times those, hate to gloat, but YEEEHA!

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BTW, Win2000 is also on the list of compatable OS's, just in case anyone was worried... :lol:

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Windows®98/ME/XP Only  

Pentium III 800/AMD Athlon 600 or better  

256 MB RAM (512 MB RAM recommended)  

3D video card (DirectX 8.1 compatible) w/16MB RAM (32MB recommended)  

Sound Card (Direct 8.1 compatible)  

DirectX 8.1 or higher (included on disc)  

4X CD-ROM or better (Not recommended for use with CD-RWs)  

Internet connection (56 kbps or better) or LAN for multiplayer  

Hard Drive Space 900+ MB


just for these flyable NATO planes???








IMHO it's not worth the waste of resources for 3 or 4 flyable planes.Sure there a few other Russian planes to fly, but those have almost all been done before. And these aren't even the cool planes (with the exception of the A-10) No Cat, no Hornet, no Fighting Falcon, not even a Phantom. Sure you can watch the AI fly them but what fun is that?

I'd rather save the room for the SF:P1 patch and all the other goodies that are ALREADY here to play with.


I know alot of you will flame me for this, and I am ok with that, but please email me or icq. Don't waste MJ's space and make this a S#!thole like SimHQ

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Oh well, guess I'll be about a year behind everyone flying LOMAC until I get a new rig. :cry:


Kinda figured it was going to be bad for the computerly challenged. :wink:

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