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SF2 AAA Pack

SF2 AAA Pack.


This is a small stand alone pack that will increase the quantity and deadliness of small AAA and Flak. This mod is based on files from the SF2V Air and Ground Expansion Pack and NF4+. This pack can be used with any SF2 install


To install: Just drag and drop the folders to your mod folder.






Edited by malibu43

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You're welcome!!!


Just a heads up - there's one TGA file missing that will prevent the big black flak clouds from showing when the larger caliber guns fire. I'll post it here in a bit...



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The file in the downloads section has been updated. If you already downloaded the pack, please re-download, and re-install (or just add FSMOKE.tga to your effects folder).

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Just got around to trying this over the weekend and it is very nice. It sure makes AG missions more exciting. :cool:


I do have a question. I see this pack includes many of the weapons contained in Pasko's SAM&AAA vehicle pack. Do we still need Pasko's pack or is it now obsolete?

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my guess is, as they're updated, it'll overwrite/replace them

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Yes, as wrench said, let it overwrite. But not everything from pasko's pack is included, so it's not a complete replacement.

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I have updated this download with a few changes:


- add two effects files that were missing (thanks, gerwin!).

- increase the ZSU-23's availability to "COMMON" so it hopefully will show up a little more

- changed the ZU-23 so that it does not have self-detonating rounds (ie - doesn't create flak clouds).


I spent some time researching the last one, and couldn't find anything conclusive about whether the gun was a "flak" type gun or not. Various sources do list it as using "self detonating" or "self destructing" rounds, but all descriptions of the gun and even some youtube videos did not indicate that the shells would burst around an aircraft creating puffy, white clouds the way my previous version did (which was, honestly, a change I didn't realize was included in the pack). Therefore, it has been turned back into a regular cannon style AAA piece that just fires green tracers at you as you speed by, laughing and flipping the bird at it!

Edited by malibu43

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OK. My source has helped me confirm that the 23mm guns can produce flak clouds, so I have updated the download once again to add the 23mm flak back in.

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  On 5/8/2012 at 6:06 PM, malibu43 said:

OK. My source has helped me confirm that the 23mm guns can produce flak clouds, so I have updated the download once again to add the 23mm flak back in.

If I recall correctly, they only produce "flak clouds" when the rounds self destruct after a 'longish' time. At least that's the only time I saw it happen when my unit did live fire training.

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  On 5/8/2012 at 7:39 PM, JJava said:

If I recall correctly, they only produce "flak clouds" when the rounds self destruct after a 'longish' time. At least that's the only time I saw it happen when my unit did live fire training.


That makes sense. I was wondering about that when different internet sources said the rounds had a self destruct fuse. ie - was it a fuse intended to be used to detonate the round near the aircraft, or a fuse intended to destroy the round if it misses its target? It sounds like you're saying it was the latter.


I'm going to leave the download as-is for now, rather than keep changing it. Maybe more folks will chime with some info to help point me in the right direction. After a few days, if we have it figured out, I'll make sure the download is updated with the right info.

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OK. The pack has been updated without the air burst for the ZU-23. I have also removed the Mobile_AAA versions of the KS-12 and KS-19 so you get more of the deadlier "Mobile_AAA" ground objects.


If you want to update your installation, delete the following folders before dragging and dropping all the new files in:






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Malibu I have always loved this mod and its in every install I have. :good::drinks:

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  On 5/9/2012 at 1:56 AM, Dave said:

Malibu I have always loved this mod and its in every install I have. :good::drinks:


Thanks Dave! Hopefully I didn't screw it up with the changes I just made! :grin:


Folks - give the new mod a try for a while and let me know what you think. You should see a little less KS-12 and KS-19 and a little more ZSU-23.

Edited by malibu43

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