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The Rant

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This started as i was reading the thread about the Warthog stick selling at Fry's for $350.....


The second post says there are problems. I haven't jumped on any forums since I am not buying it quite yet and as such have been living blissfully in ignorance about the A+++ joystick I was pretty sure I was going to buy in November or there abouts. So what problems exactly have they had with the Warthog. And why would the manufacturer figure out this stuff before they go selling a FCS for hundreds of dollars?? Not trying to start anything here, but I was looking FWD to the Warthog because my X-52 is not quite as awesome as I thought it was going to be, and now that I have an X-52 all I hear is how they break after 6 months and things like that.


For crying out loud, I just want a sweet ass'd HOTAS system that isn't going to fail on me in a few months and that I don't have to program huge dead spots into just to make the sick shots I used to make when I was using, get this, A MICROSOFTSIDEWINDER 2. Yep, not even a force feedback one, and I rocked this thing for 6 years.


Come on Saitek, Logitech, CH, and Thrustmaster. Match my challenge alright, and make us happy??





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I also had a Microsoft Sidewinder 2. It work for years. I broke it moving(nuts)

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Logitech Extreme 3D Pro! Been using one for years. It's not quite HOTAS. But,It works great. When it breaks(usually rudder control)I just get another. :clapping:

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dead spots into just to make the sick shots I used to make when I was using, get this, A MICROSOFTSIDEWINDER 2. Yep, not even a force feedback one, and I rocked this thing for 6 years.



Fantastic joystick - mine lasted 6-7 years - but this year button 2 failed - so now have a Logitech Attack 3 - but would like a HOTAS thing

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Why spend that kind of dough on a stick? When I got into simming several years back with Oleg's The-FB, I found a few Saitek Cyborg Graphite joyticks at The WalMarts for 15 to 20 "dollars" each. I got one and it was so freaking amazing I got two more for backup. I'm still using the first one. Here's one or two reasons why...



(0) The Cyborg Graphite is a true World War Two combat flight sim stick; rugged and simple with few buttons. Built like a LaGG.


(1) Largest common inexpensive gaming joystick made.


(2) Giant Titan sized base. Very heavy. Stable on the table.


(3) The largest stick top throw distance of any common joystick made, bar none -- 6 inches throw -- compare with all others in the computer hardware retail stores if you need confirmation. I don't know about the expensive 300+ FRN super gamer joysticks since I never tried them....CompUSA never put them out on touch display, assuming they even carried these ubersticks.


(4) Largest hat switch of any joystick made today -- compare with others. However, the diagonals don't work well for me, so I use it as a 4-way and not 8-way hat switch.


(5) Largest throttle of any joystick made, and smooth working.


(6) Only three stick top buttons, but they are HUGE and offer great feedback click and feel.


(7) NO BASE BUTTONS -- Just how I like it. I prefer the keyboard as a model for WW2 pilot/cockpit interface until somebody makes a flight sim keyboard that physically models a cockpit panel to replace the computer keyboard while simming.


(8) As a USB joystick, plug into running computer and fly. No software comes with the stick, at least in my purchase.


(9) Extremely rugged with huge handgrip, large trigger, and strong feel. ALL of the more expensive joysticks felt like a limp handshake/wet fish. I'm still banging away at the original stick I purchased several years ago. The only maintenence required is dusting every year or so. I have not yet opened a backup joystick I purchased.


(10) Affordable at roundabout 20 dollars.


Best, if you like playing airplanes that had bad pilot-unfriendly switchology, then use any standard QWERTY keyboard to simulate the cockpit panel's switches instead of the buck rogers Space Shuttle joysticks with a thousand tiny little buttons.


wow :heat:



Edited by Lexx_Luthor

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My mate's got a CH fighterstick, throttle and peddles he uses for X plane. I think they are fantastic and i'm extremely envious but I can't justify the cost. I'm currently using a thrustmaster hotas setup, which I have to say is excellent for £30.00 no dead spots and the resistance on the stick is pretty good.


However if I had the cash spare it would be CH products all the way

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All of my stuff is packed up for the move next week, but I normally use CH Products HOTAS w/rudder pedals.


My daughter uses the Saitek X52 set-up and my spare/deployment stick is the Saitek ST290 that I picked up at WalMart back in '07.


In reference to the Warthog HOTAS, the same issues were had with the Thrustmaster Cougar. You had to have it modded after you bought it, to get it to work right. Umm...no!

Shame that Thrustmaster is still having problems with their gear. It's great looking, sure, but if it doesnt work out of the box, it's no good.


Sad that SunCom went under. I loved their F-15E HOTAS. I literally used mine to death. I can't count how many times I swapped out the potentiometers. They wore out quick.

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I like simple Joysticks...four or five buttons maximum

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Fantastic joystick - mine lasted 6-7 years - but this year button 2 failed - so now have a Logitech Attack 3 - but would like a HOTAS thing


Another Sidewinder here, same age, doing fine....:good:





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Logitech Extreme 3D Pro! Been using one for years. It's not quite HOTAS. But,It works great. When it breaks(usually rudder control)I just get another. :clapping:

thats right! wnet thru two in afghanistan tho the current one keeps on goin..... great stick but cheap enough to replce when needed

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I will be doing a review soon of the Warthog. I've had it for close to six months but I wanted to do a review of how it managed to perform after being used for a while. I don't want to give away too much but TM screwed the pooch on a couple things with the Warthog.

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Right now I have MSFFB2, Saitek X52, Logitech Extreme 3D Pro, and Logitech Attack (just for motorcycle racing) but the best setup I ever had was CH Flightstick Pro, CH Throttle and CH rudder pedals. They were all the gameport version though and I am not willing to make such a hefty investment again, especially since I can't even buy them from any local stores anymore. The best cheaper all-in-one stick on the market now is the Logitech Extreme 3D Pro. For more casual players that is what I recommend you buy.

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I have had my MICROSOFT FFB SIDEWINDER 2 for at least 11 years I love it but the fire button doesn't work much anymore is there anyway to recondition it?

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and now that I have an X-52 all I hear is how they break after 6 months and things like that.


My X-52 is 2-3 years old and it works fine. Perhaps I just don´t fly as much as other simmers, I don´t know, but I don´t think it's that bad. And yes, I'd rather have a Warthog or a Cougar, but I just can´t even imagine spending so much money in a HOTAS without rudder pedals (and even with them, I'd think it twice before buying)

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I don't like the X52 because the bottom of the stick rubs on the base and it makes it feel sticky. I even lubed it with soap as I saw suggested once but it is still sticky.

Edited by PinkPanther

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