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North Cape Terrain (Beta+) for SF2 by Baltika

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North Cape Terrain (Beta+) for SF2 by Baltika

North Cape terrain (Beta+) by Baltika for SF2


A slight revamp of the 1stGen Beta terrain, with all new tga tiles for the sea and sea/land transition tiles (aka: "Working Water"). Consider this perhaps as a kinda sorta Ver. 0.8


As with the original release, the targeting is not finished, but at least now the water will work. The data ini has been brought up to the latest standards (as of Aug 2011). I did do some cleanup on the targets ini, but nothing major.


I figured with all the Swedish aircraft now available, this would be a fun sandbox (ok, snowbox) for them to play in. Eventually, I'm sure somebody will get around to finishing it!


As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions.


Have fun!


kevin stein


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Nice work mate, not sure if it's intentional or not but there is no water map?

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oooppSSS!!!! I done plumb forgot about that


I'll got one out tommorrow

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This is just plain Epic. Anybody up for making a campaign for it? :D I never made one from scratch, but would be happy to help with scenarios and all that.

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This is just plain Epic. Anybody up for making a campaign for it? :D I never made one from scratch, but would be happy to help with scenarios and all that.



I think a campaign using this great map would be awesome. I can already imagine Finnish Fishbeds against Soviet Fishbeds. Flying Swedish Viggens, Drakens and Lansens and Norwegian F-16's in a North Cape Campaign would be amazing.


I´d do it myself if only I had the necessary skills to do the job. Unfortunately I have none. So, campaign-making wizards in this magnificent forum, how about it? :yes:





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Boulder: I am starting a thread about it. I dont care if I don´t know, what I don´t know - I will learn. This will be made.

Check in on the Campaign making threads in a while when I finished it all up. The first idea is a wall of text.

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be advised people ... the map has virtually NO targeting, and there are several terrain glitches ... a couple airfields aren't flattened, another is in the middle of a forest(!!!! talk about camoflaged airbaes!!), so some retiling WILL need to be done


I've tried getting the terrain into the TE, but it keeps crashing, so I think Balkia will need to fix those issues (unless I can figure out why....amidst the 2 other terrains I'm still working on!)

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can't you rebuild the TE texturelist from the data.ini? just the tiles sequence for slight tiling issues..?:dntknw:

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Wrench, great work on updating this terrain for SF2, cheers bro :drinks:


If you point out the terrain issues (airfields needing flattening etc) with map co-ordinates I will sort em out.


I think I have a slightly advanced beta on my HDD somehwere with some/all of those issues fixed - I certainly seem to remember moving an airfield out of the trees recently.


And cheers again for fixing the water tiles - that was a big job I hadn't even considered starting, so :drinks: once more.

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shoot, only took 6 hours!!! It goes easier when one cheats and uses "stock" alpha channels and the germanyce waternormal bmp


I'll see about those coordinates & names as soon ASAP!!

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