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Never seen these hedges before?

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Since I got a much better graphic card from Morris only recently (thanks again, mate!), I could raise

all sliders and the "ground object density" and such.

Now I saw today some green hedges, which I had never seen before. Either I always missed them,

or - more likely - they came up with more "ground detail". OFF still has things to surprise me with!



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:clapping:Careful they look like the Hedges from " E ' LL. I heard they reach up and pull down E III s.

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Hi Olham,


nice shot, you are tempting me to take up an EIII career.


I know you are an old hand at the tweaking game but the other day I changed,

via the Nvidea control panel, from multisample to 4xSupersample. The improvement took me aback - especially the

colours looked much more realistic and that annoying low altitude "mapping" - white/blue triangles - has been reduced to virtually nothing.

You don't use a Nvidea card but is there a Supersample option for yours ? Worth checking out.


I tried 8xSupersample but it crashed in a shrieking heap, no go for me.


Sorry if I'm telling you how to suck eggs, but I can't believe how good P3 now looks.

I would show you if I could get my screenshots to post :dunno: .





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Yes, there is; thank you Sid - I have also moved it fully up.

It is just a question of graphic card quality, how good OFF will look,

and a question of CPU speed, how well it will perform.

I have finally got a very good system for both.

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So what are your setting now that you see the hedges ???

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I guess they came up, when I put "ground object density" on "high".

In my ATI "CatalystControlCenter" I have selected the following settings:

Anti-Aliasing: 16x


Anisotropic Filtering: 16x

Tesselation: AMD-optimised


Catalyst A.I. Texture filtering quality: high quality


Texture optimisation: activated

Mipmap Detail Level: High Quality


Wait for vertical refresh: Always on (High quality)


Anti-Aliasing Mode: Super-Sampling

OpenGL Setting: Triple buffering



To be honest: I don't know, what "Tesselation" or "Triple buffering" really do.

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Thank you, but I guess I should have asked if you had changed any of your P2 settings ,i.e. 553455, other than "Ground Object Density = High", since you now have a better video card.


As for Tesselation, it is used in DX11 and Triple Buffering is used in OpenGL, neither applies to P2 which used D3D.

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BTW if you are talking of Phase 2 Panama I don't think the same hedges are in there anyway, so much changed in P3.

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Ah, okay, thanks, PanamaRed.


My sliders are set to:


Aircraft: 5

Terrain detail: 3 (anything higher I found too grainy)

Scenery detail: 5

Effects quality: 5

Clouds: 5


I guess you're right - it must be the "Scenery detail" slider.

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BTW if you are talking of Phase 2 Panama I don't think the same hedges are in there anyway, so much changed in P3.


You are correct, I should have said P3 OFF BHaH / HitR, not P2 OFF. In my game P3 OFF I have Terrain Detail = 3 and Scenery Detail = 4, I had not noticed any hedges that Olham showed in his picture and I was wondering what settings I should try to see them.

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"Terrain Detail" seems to be the resolution of the "terrain patches"; which make the texture for the ground surface.

"Scenery Detail" seems to be a variety of objects added, the higher you go.

Maybe Winder or Pol could clarify that.

Edited by Olham

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Yes that's about it Olham. WM is the scenery expert and would know more specifics but to see extras like hedges etc probably need 4 or 5 slider on scenery. Terrain and Scenery you can probably put on 4,4 as a max and see all.

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Olham, I have seen hedges from time to time in OFF, but only when scenery is on 4 or 5, (as noted by Pol). Also, I've never seen that many in one spot before. Where is that, just out of curiosity?



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Must have been somewhere northwest of Bertincourt, Lou.

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