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AI Roles from SF2: NA now works in installations without SF2: NA

I created a seperate testbed on a seperate drive with no connections to SF2: NA, then entered the following:




I am happy Swede :)


Edited by JonathanRL
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Did some futher testing with above.


Do not know why, but triggering a flight of Lansens with RB-04 with Crusie Missile Attack made them break and engage SAMs.

Either Crusie Missiles need a certain setting or something is amiss.


However, flying Strike Missions with them is entirely feasible despite "Strike" command being omitted entirely.. Going to test an anti-ship mission next.

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For mod ideas what about the F-111B with AIM-54's under the wings. Also how about a North Amarican air defence campaign flying Canadian Avro Arrow intercepters?


I like everyone else am also wating for the Cat Extractor as well. I want to see if I can arm the exsisting community made ships with multipule missile launchers with just .ini editting.

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Nice find Jonathan

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like so??

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And then carrier vs carrier battles.

Its amazing the fun that can be had with setting up dense super-missions in a mission editor, with rearm/refuel available.


In the IL-2 (Pacific) the weirdest moment I had was sitting on a Japanese deck admiring the scenery and the ship's AA guns start firing outside my cockpit and I look up at the pretty sky and see tiny flak puffs WAY up there, then little dive bomber pixels coming down, getting bigger, and pulling up, then SPLASH BAM all crap broke out on deck. Sadly, Oleg (nor TK) never understood the fun nature of rearm/refuel in a combat flight TheSim. Midway 1942 was the ultimate Battle of Rearm and Refuel between two carrier fleets.

Edited by Lexx_Luthor

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I need to add functional E-2C and EA-6B to my current carrier-based campaigns, and then I'll be working on a 1985 NA scenario. Real basic stuff (I hope).

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I'll be working on a 1985 NA scenario. Real basic stuff (I hope).


We are way head of you.......... :salute:

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We are way head of you.......... :salute:


Has anyone been able to craft a modded campaign for IcelandNA Terrain, OUTSIDE of the stock 1976-1984 timeframe?


...If not, HOW? :dntknw:







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Has anyone been able to craft a modded campaign for IcelandNA Terrain, OUTSIDE of the stock 1976-1984 timeframe?


...If not, HOW? :dntknw:


Once we get the cat extractor you can pull out the files of the terrains and there is a date in there you can change.

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Well, that's true.


I've been working with the whole "chick and pray" method, crafting IcelandNA INI files...


almost made it work, except it's been tough figuring out the CAT's name, and the planningmap, also.



...speaking of mod ideas...


...where IS Polak's old SkyMOD???









Edited by SidDogg

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Another thing I'll do is early low-vis versions of each stock skin. Basically grey belly versions of everything already there.

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Okay with the possibility to extract it was most easy to supply my Tomcats with their respective pilots (helmets)...


Turning to the next tasks:

- I recall somebody reporting he re-worked the speeches of Hawkeye's controller (added some white noise). I cannot find t anymore. Neither his post, nore some link to download his changed file(s)... Can somebody help? :cool:


- and anybody reworked the music of the main-screen? (Yes, I found the music of that old game, but I'd rather like some Top Gun- or Final Countdown score...)


Thanks :good:

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SkateZilla was working on the Hawkeye's speech

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Hum, where is his post gone? :this:


Hope he can supply a reworked set.......... :drinks:

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