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Edited by Veltro2k
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2 weeks and 1 Day Ed? :grin:

BTW, looks pretty nice so far!!!! :good:

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Can someone please post the Mk46M5 Lod and skin.. I have the data, but somehow I dont seem to have them


The Mk46M5 appears to use the Mk13Torpedo Lod. Here is the whole folder Mk46M5 for you.



Edited by KJakker

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there's better Mk46s in the Nimrod and Atlantique downloads; correct size/shape from the Argentine weapons pak

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when you're ready for screens, give me a week's notice to scrounge some images!

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Hey those look great Veltro! You seem to be getting the hang of the mapping process. Some constructive criticism:

-Just above the nose behind the prop there is some texture stretching, it is easily remedied by ensuring that no two vertices are behind each other in the UV map, ie find the "middlemost" vertice and move it upward just a notch!

-You could pretty safely increase texture resolution by a factor of 2 or 4, to 2048x2048 or even 4096x4096 (though a 4096 texture is a bit extreme it is a good way to future proof models)


A very good job nevertheless!! :drinks:

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ED, let me know if i can help with skinning. ;-)

BTW, will you implement bump mapping?

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How about an Indian Navy No. 310 Sqdn "Cobras" skin for this beauty?

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This may be of help to you




You may use this in your hangar screen. There is one painting in colour where the Alize is depicted as splashing into the Arabian sea with the PAF F-104A flying by. I had saved in on my home PC. WIll try to find it.


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