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so my question today is... how can jpeg and bitmap skins co-exsist in game? i had worked on a lo-viz skin in .bmp format a few months ago before patching to Mar12. went to fly after the patch and noticed that it was reverting back to the stock skin. on lookin at the CATs how the are named and such and noticed that the stock skins are now jpeg format. While it would be easy enough to convert my skin to jpeg in Gimp, i am curious how both styles co-exsist. what had to be changed in .ini land for this to happen?

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Someone else addressed this...actually said the LODs were looking for both.


It's not something that is changed in the inis...it's a game engine/LOD request only.


The best thing to do is check the models. The stock models (patched to March 2012 I assume) will always look for JPEGs for solid files, and DDS for transparent files. Third party...I'm not really sure unless they're the absolute latest iterations.



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I got planes from 5-6 years ago in jpeg format and didnt edit a thing. I even got your F-111's FC in jpeg.

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umm wow. if im understanding that right future skins will be best done in JPEG then? interestin as a look through with the cat extractor has the Phantoms all bmp still, and A-7D. but the naval SLUFs are jpeg. and most of the decals are still tga(at least all 1200 Phantom tail numbers are!)


you posted while i was typing the original Dave. soooo why then might my modded skin in .bmp not show in the current stock A-7E which is in JPEG stock? hadd kept the name the same in the texture set at first but changed the name out after patching and noticing this and still no dice.

Edited by daddyairplanes

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Change them to jpeg and see what happens.

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if im understanding that right future skins will be best done in JPEG then?


jip :cool:

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Just converted F-4B_65 skins (from Sundowners template) from .bmp to jpeg to see what would happen. Game now looks at the stock .bmps. Going to have to change back...

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Ok make sure the extension its jpg, not jpeg. Also this is Sundowners VMFA-115 skin in jpg format and it works perfectly. So I am not sure what you guys are doing but jpg skins work. I have converted hundreds, yes hundreds of bmp's already. I have been using irfanview to convert them at the highest jpg save setting with the most quality. No problems.

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I have converted hundreds, yes hundreds of bmp's already. I have been using irfanview to convert them at the highest jpg save setting with the most quality. No problems.


I can second that!

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good, as we have enormous numbers of highs quality hires skins that aren't used lots of time in the aircrafts folders, and some folks like me have limited storage space :blink:

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good, as we have enormous numbers of highs quality hires skins that aren't used lots of time in the aircrafts folders, and some folks like me have limited storage space :blink:


Yup same here, I finally use all those awsome Phantom skins now...

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still gotta convert the skin and see, gotta love RL. but i have Gimp so not much problem converting. i was wondering for imfo purposes and that info could be useful for those with modding desire but not so much talent. (like i really have any :grin: )

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