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I was trying to get a better Soviet Excellence award badge to convert it to decal, for some future releases, the only one i have is the one below, anybody has a better one? this is just for lazyness, and i hope somebody can understand:0




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curious why not tighten up that image with Gimp or a similar photoshop program? barring that if you want a better original image look around online for Hasegawa decal images.

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I dont see any Excelence award badge

that decal on the nose is a Mig factory logo

Monty CZ

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Sorry to disagree Monty, the Aircraft Excellence award was given to all the Soviet Air force, MiG logo is quite different


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Sorry guys my bad :-)

I am still learning something new.

Monty CZ

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Well there are good ones posted, with that you shoul can make a very good new one in Photoshop or something similar.

If you like, i can do a new tga this afternoon...

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Well there are good ones posted, with that you shoul can make a very good new one in Photoshop or something similar.

If you like, i can do a new tga this afternoon...


Thanks Soulfreak, i already made it and have it ready:)

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No, Russo your plane looks fantastinc and i saved a copy of your decal too, thanks man!

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