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We just got another pup. We've called her Lucy. Such a sweety, just 8 weeks old. Although sometimes she's more like a little Lucifier!


But c'mon, how can you resist that cute face.


Edited by Pips

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Pips, she is a furry cutie, and she may only have 1 disadvantage: washing her, after a mud bath.

She looks like she still needs a lot of cuddling - which I bet you will provide.

Have a lot of fun with her, Pips!

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So had I, Mike, so had I!

Or this one is also good - the Sopwith Pup is one cute little fighter.

In it's eary days it must have been a good and reliable 'companion' - I'll fly a campaign with in, when WOFF is released.


When Manfred von Richthofen had met the first Sopwith Pup, he wrote this about her:


(Flt.Lt. Allan S. Todd in Sopwith Scout N5193...)"attacked us and we saw immediately that the enemy plane

was superior to ours. Only because we were three against one, we detected the enemy's weak points."

(Quoted from: "The Red Baron - Beyond the Legend" by Peter Kilduff)


Von Richthofen was flying an Albatros D.II during that mission.



Edited by Olham

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Pips, that charmer should have you fully trained in no time at all. Border Collies are wonderful. Have fun Sir.



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Hi there Pips,


And here I was, thinking that you were bringing us new info on the "PUP", the aircraft!





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