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Soviet invasion of Afghanistan install?

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Have been thinking in a possible install for the 1980-88 soviet invasion of Afghanistan for use it with Mission Builder created missions. No idea If is possible to have the Mujaideens in SF2, but will be nice to have some dushman infantry, heavy and medium MG and a Manpad.

Such mod will need also:


- Mi-8 Hip.

- Mi-24D Hind.

- Su-25


And the terrain. For the terrain, we have a Afghanistan terrain, so only the copters and the Su25 are needed now.


Searching for them!

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 Nice Idea!Anyway,if you want to play against the soviets,you can play as the PAF.Some soviet intruders were downed by F-16s.You can get the Mi-8 from Marcfighters. 

Edited by Lazarus1177

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Also the soviets did use other air to cover for the Helo's Mig-21/23/27 as they did use it as a testbed for weapons as well...

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Found the Marcfighters Hip, and there is a SF1 Hind, now I need to found the Su25, IIRC there's one on Darius operation, but I will need a soviet skin for it.

You're right about the Mig23/27, never hear about the Fishbeds.

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I installed the Afghan terrain, but I can't fly as the Soviet Union cause I get a CTD, any idea of how to solve that?


I'm downloading now the Nato Pfighters pack searching for that Grach!

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that's because there's no ENEMY airfields on the map. LimitedNations is set to TRUE, and the Soviets arn't on the list


It would require a complete rebuild to accomplish your goal. Sounds like a good project for ya! Learn how terraforming works, eh?

Edited by Wrench

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Didn't the USSR also use TU-22M bombers near the end of the conflict? If so that's another aircraft that we already have!

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that's because there's no ENEMY airfields on the map. LimitedNations is set to TRUE, and the Soviets arn't on the list


It would require a complete rebuild to accomplish your goal. Sounds like a good project for ya! Learn how terraforming works, eh?

If I didn't have a severe dislike and lack of extreme patience I would have done the country in full years ago, at least while I was there. But if I can add my .02, include the eastern portion of the country plz :smile:

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that's because there's no ENEMY airfields on the map. LimitedNations is set to TRUE, and the Soviets arn't on the list


It would require a complete rebuild to accomplish your goal. Sounds like a good project for ya! Learn how terraforming works, eh?


Are you kidding? Is a new terrain really needed?

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I'm still in shock.


I tought it would have been something easy like changing countries in a ini file or something like that. I have no idea of map edition and don't want to learn it, after all my last year at the uni is a the door, my daughter is 9 months old and my time is really limited. Thanks for the info guys.

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Stratos, I just added the SF2 Afghanistan terrain to an SF2 install, went into the Afghanistan_NATIONS.ini file and added



Now I can quite happily fly MiGs, Sukhois etc over the terrain.



BTW. I've got an SF1 Wings Over Afghanistan install with loads of Soviet & NATO planes, ground objects etc.

I edited each of the aircraft's DATA.ini files so that the soviet ones ended in 1989 and the NATO ones started in 2001. That way I don't get F-15's flying CAP for an Mi-24 strike and Su-25s flying defence suppression missions when I fly an F-14D strike!


I kept some of the Soviet heavies - An-12 & Il-76 etc - to represent modern UN or aid relief flights.


When I get time I'll do a dedicated SF2 install and drop the 1st Gen.

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i absolutely don't understand why you'r shocked ... have you LOOKED at the region, like on large scale map?? And compared it to the existing planningmap???


to do what you want (and what EJ would like), requires a map that covers the western half and complete southern section of pakistan, the southern third of Kzakistan, the eastern third of Iran, to say nothing of the n/w arabian sea.

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Agreed, the area isn't "easy" by no means, and literally too.

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I opened the old map in the target editor and is not even open properly. Wondering If someone can provide me with a suitable 1979-89 era map of the area I will populate it myself. If is enough interest of course.

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I have the Su-25 WIP, Mi-8, Mi-17, Su-17, MiG-23/27 all in WIP


That's great, will love to see a Mi-24 too. But anyway I can only pop a map with targets, I need someone to create the map itself first. I also think we have Mujahideen targets in the form of Dhsk AAA, SA-7 and infantry. 

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