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1. Fully functional drag chutes.

2. Complete ejection/parachute sequences.

3. Mission replay.


Sounds like long time wish list items from SFP1.

If the planeset could just get to where I want it a little faster :drinks:

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The only problem with DCS games are the limited flyable planes.Otherwise,it's good enough to be a study sim!

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I am digging the P-51D that is for sure. Hooked on that one. Already had BS and A-10C, Still did not master those. LGBs and ATGMs are mind boggling to me, without a proper HOTAS setup. The part of the world (or map) it takes place is in is long in the tooth, but still find something new when flying through that world. Try following a canyon in the P-51, talk about challenging!

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You want challenging, try going OVER some of those ranges in the Ka-50 while flying NOE! There are times when you can't get the altitude because you can't get the speed and you start to just wallow around... It's not optimized for hot-and-high, that's certain!

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I skipped the Helo and went for the A-10 simply as I like the A-10 now flying it is not the challenge its fighting with it setting up LGB's Mavericks etc... must admit I need to spend lots of time practicing maybe when Winter gets here I will get the time as for 6 weeks I am not going anywhere due to a knee operation...

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.....as for 6 weeks I am not going anywhere due to a knee operation...

Get well soon mate :bye:.Knee operations are sensitive but,they eventually heal.

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Oh, I forgot to mention another feature of DCS long sought after in the SF world: air-to-air refueling :)

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1. Fully functional drag chutes.

2. Complete ejection/parachute sequences.

3. Mission replay.


Sounds like long time wish list items from SFP1.

If the planeset could just get to where I want it a little faster :drinks:


Forgot Multi-Player

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MP is still the #1 thing I miss from SF1 and the reason a few of my friends skipped the series. They only buy flight sims with MP (even the ones that spend like no more than 25% of their time in MP)!

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I will get the time as for 6 weeks I am not going anywhere due to a knee operation...


I am having my 6th knee surgery here soon. I know how you feel.

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MP is a must for me, if it doesn't have it I'm not buying it!

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Still enjoying DCS. FC3 is nice, but I don't care for the scripted effects at stall speeds and takeoffs/landings. SF2 is far superior in flying qualities/ground handling to FC3. But when I go back and play SF2, I am still thoroughly annoyed by the over-effective Vietnam era missiles since the release and patching of SF2NA. So, until the UH-1H, MiG-21bis or F-104G becomes available, I am enjoying the P-51D and Ka-50. The flight model of the P-51D is challenging in a dogfight with the AI. The Ka-50 flight model is so smooth and fun that I haven't fired one shot. Just takeoff, pick a landing spot, hover, and try to land on the desired spot, rinse, wash, repeat. I can't imagine what it will be like to fly a UH-1H with no computer stabilization. I was recently flying the UH-1 in ArmA 2 and having a blast, but I can't wait to get a taste of the DCS flight model. I find the DCS level of detail far more fun and interesting than any other sim I have. It could take me years to get proficient with the limited plane set already available.

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In that case then accurate (or semi-accurate) FMs for the J-6 and F-100A/C/D would be a nice change.

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