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this first specific tread im opening since were i have more updates im in a delta mood.

to Delta aircraft has always been the most beatifull ones.(personal opinion)

following my Mirage 5/50 wip here are an update shot off them in version 50EV.



Mirage 4000 would it go in the watt if forum its stil a delta update shot off this wip has well




getting slowly but getting there please bare whit me on time frame for the relase off these brids.

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Thanks. A splendid project, sacrificed to a ridiculous naval fighter... like the Mirage G8 fate one of the shames of the French aviation industry.

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I also love deltas! And the M4000 is a bird I am waiting for since I discovered mods for SF. So I can't wait for your release :)

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Looks very nice! Who doesn't love Mirages?

Are you planning to UVmap them to match the stock mirages so existing skins can be used? Might be a tad fiddly to get right to say the least but could provide advantageous later on!

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im going to mapped my onw way beacoue Stock mapping his to weird for me and hope that a bunch of skinner can take some interest on my litle brids and make some skins.


whit 90% common mapping in all versions at least

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least variant Mirage 5P4


i have com to the moment that i need to star mapping beacouse next versions will have nose changes and i want to keep a high has possible degree off common mapping.

so no more visual updates on the Mirage 5 for a fewe days.

but i will more on the Mirage 4000 has well i want to bring to mapping stage this month but no garantis on that.

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Mirage 5 series update

Mapping his going well at a steady pace should in game next week if all goes well.

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nice to see you back in action!

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Great news, have a fakepilot BD on my Disk, but the mapping of that bird is so ... not finished that I will wait for your version! Along the TMF your Mirages looks great! There where some Mirage projects in the spanish forums, but seems they are all on ice so far.


Good someone is continuing on that thing

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BTW i hate fake pilot metod it look horrible wend your part are ejected wend your plane his shot donw or turn missing in parked aircraft

personal opinion off course

Edited by cocas

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What? You are off making Deltas? They look awesome!


I approve!

Edited by JonathanRL

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Mapping on the mirage 5/50 his done :groupwave:

now i need link and animated the best and make the sereval lods

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update it link mapped and parcialy animate going over the animation whit CadeteBRA for next fewe days if wall goes well i count to have in game early next week.

and it already on the paint shop also.

Edited by cocas

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animations on the mirage 5 are almost done just need undo some linking mistake and go from there.


give a litle love to 4000 today


control surfaces in all cut next will be airbrakes

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