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Hello, and, well...a question.

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Hi there,


First off, let me "introduce" myself.What I basically am is a 15-year old (I hope that I do not count as being below the minimum age allowed) "pilot" (Strike Fighter series "veteran", and currently BMS4 rookie) (ignore the word "pilot", since Mary Poppins is actually a better combat aviator than me, and the word "veteran" as well, as I never really learnt this game as well as I wanted to), particularly obsessed with '60s-'70s fighters.I'm from Greece (but who cares), and, a huge Tomcat lover.Well, that's it pretty much, I guess.Now, something else.


I don't remember when I started hanging around here, but I'd like to apologise for doing so, since I first registered here only to be able to download mods (=dead account).I really did regret that after seeing that this place was more than a cool mod database.As I saw for myself, this place might actually be what i've been looking for in a while.A place to discuss aviation, and learn a thing or two as well.I can't promise being very active (school does tend to make forum activity a challenge), but I hope to be able to fit in here, and have fun like the rest of the members.So, my apologies to you guys for using my account like this, and I hope to receive a nice welcome here (unless you dislike my age or something else about me, in that case feel free to show me the way out).


And now, after having completed an introduction of me, I'd like to ask 2 questions (I know, first post on the forum and begin with questions, that's rude).I own both SF2 North Atlantic, and SF2 Israel.I simply love the Tomcat from NA, but Israel and its unique aircraft (and terrain, which is, without a doubt, better than hundrends of miles of water surrounding you) are, in one word, irreplaceable for me.My questions:


I'm a total modding rookie, (I know nothing more than installing aircraft in SF1), so, I was wondering if a)you fellas could help me out by telling me whether I can take the Tomcat and the Phoenix and throw them into Israel, and whether b) there are any IIAF/IRIAF skins for SF2 Cats.


PS: In case I posted this in the wrong section, please let me know.


That would be all, awaiting replies, and well, hello again :airplane::biggrin: (got no idea what the Tomcat's supposed to be used for, lols)

Edited by thodouras95

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F-14A/B/D Super Pack for SF2:NA. Also works in other installs (merged, or individual), so long as they are at least at April 2012 patch level.




That includes the AIM-54 and other Tomcat-related weapons, as well as the IIAF/IRIAF F-14A. I'd recommend you check the download section in general for weapon packs, aircraft, etc. If you want it to be available in SF2:Israel but have an un-merged install, you can either install the jet into your SF2:I mod folder, or direct SF2:I to look into SF2:NA's mod folder. I'd recommend the former option.


Welcome aboard.

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Alternativly you can merge the instals at installation, that way you can have all the new avionics of NA in Israel and will be able to fly any bird from either game in each game.


Oh and welcome aboard :cool:



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by default, ALL the SF2 games are merged; there is NO option to do otherwise.... every single one of the exes reference the exact same cats, dlls, etc. I think folks are confusing 'mods folders' with the core game files.


all one needs to do, is open the /Objects/Aircraft folders for all the mods folders and compare them ... you'll find SF2I aircraft in SF2NA, and vice versa. And all the terrains are also readily avilable from each game install.


IIRAF skins are also available from 3rdWire F-14 skinpak DLC. (for purchase from 3W)


and to our newest member, Welcome!

I'd suggest that you spend some time in BOTH of our Knowledge Bases; the one for SF/Wo* and SF2. There's a lot of answers readily availble.


and most importantly ... Have Fun!

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Sup bro, I'm new to this website too and particularly Strike Fighters 2 although I have logged around 30+ hours in FSX ;)

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Thank you everyone for the welcome and for the advice.Regarding the Tomcats, I think that my installs aren't merged (if merged means having 2 games installed together in the same folder).I did download the TMF F-14 pack, and aside from the fact that what I saw has left me speechless, to say the least, I have 2 little problems, though (I haven't been able to go through the word files that describe the F-14's avionics yet, so, i what I'm looking for is in there, let me know).My first problem is that the key that I normally turn the radar on with (pgup) doesn't work for the Tomcat.The 2nd is that I essentially have no HUD, apart from the gunsight.If anyone knows whether i did anything wrong, or how to fix these, please let me know.

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At a guess the TMF tomcats were updated to use the avionicsF14.dll for its avionics code - which is only in SF2NA (I think).


You could install SF2I again and merge it into SF2NA - You do not need to uninstall your existing standalone SF2I install - that can live alongside another install of SF2NA + SF2I!


When installing the second time you need to point the installer at the SF2NA folder - TK says they can install in any order - but suggest you backup anything you want to keep in case you need to reinstall them.

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As wrench and the others say. when you installed the game they are automatically merged. meaning the core program is in C:...ProgramFiles/Thirdwire/Strike Fighters 2 which host the game system files such as the .exe the you have C:\Users\<username>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Which holds the folders for NA and Israel in which you drop your mods. you can pick any one of them to drop your mods and you dont need to put the same file on both folders. once you launce the exe corresponding to the folder you modded you'll have your mods, as well as the stock aircraft, terrains, campagins etc from both NA and israel. But as everyone says its better to make a mod folder.



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At a guess the TMF tomcats were updated to use the avionicsF14.dll for its avionics code - which is only in SF2NA (I think).


You could install SF2I again and merge it into SF2NA - You do not need to uninstall your existing standalone SF2I install - that can live alongside another install of SF2NA + SF2I!


When installing the second time you need to point the installer at the SF2NA folder - TK says they can install in any order - but suggest you backup anything you want to keep in case you need to reinstall them.


So, you're suggesting I should install SF2:I once more in C:\Program Files\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2 North Atlantic?I'll try and let you know how it went, although, IIRC I once did that and Israel wouldn't detect NA aircraft while NA itself would crash.

Edited by thodouras95

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I can't edit my previous post, so I have to make a new one.I am pleased to say that, after patching the merged installation, everything works perfectly.Thanks a lot for the help, guys!Now, excuse me, but I have to deal with my North Israel erections...

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