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Well...there's a turn up

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Does he finally also find his "music" disgusting ? :bad:

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Meh, maybe just a PR trick to get the fans extra rabid and compassionate.

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Something to sell on E-Bay? :bad:

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The whole audience should be throwing up.............

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It's usually everyone else throwing up!


Saw a KISS concert back in their day, friend and me, he was a kinda "tough" guy (and after hi school a Marine) and...he went vomiting on the Jacksonville Coliseum floor. Me a little nerd I loved the show standing on just about the front row. That was the one where Peter Criss got hit by a rock or something, went off stage but they came back and played a fantasmal show. Best concert but Heart I liked better for some reason. I always wondered how much vomit you walk on in things like that. I mean thousands of souls standing like sardines....after The Station fire I avoid things like that. Other People's Vomit (OPV) -- is cool. Fire is not.

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JACKSON Coliseum floor. ... Mississippie ... I've been in Florida too close to Jacksonville too long.

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