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World of Tanks

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The german Tier 6 are all fun. More or less.

My favorite is the VK3001D, then the VK3002M. But fun comes only if you has the long 75mm gun. Without this gun it is not really fun. The 3001P is not bad. Has a good armament and is fast enough. But the armour is not so good angled, so that enemy shoots bounce very seldom. But i liked it. The VK3601H is a heavy witha good armour and a good armament. Its also nice. With german tier6 you cant do something wrong.


The T-34 you must play like a sniper. Sit behind a bush and wait. You need urgently camonet and binoscope and medium gun rammer.

At the first time you must wait for prey. Later, if a lot of enemies is already detroyed you can become more offensive.

I play it with a kill ratio of 1:1 on US server and much better on EU server. Dont worry about the power of the guns. With the long 76,2mm you can successfully fight in tier 6 battles. It depends a lot on crew skill level.




Edited by Gepard

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Been having a LOT of fun with this game. Ive got 18 tanks so far, lol. My easy8 has a 100% crew with two perks and working on a third. Same for my dicker max, pershing, and M2 light tank. Kicked out some cash and bought several lower tier premium tanks. They help to keep my credits up. My favorite overall tiers is generally 5 and 6. Youll see me on in the evenings on the USA west server under the moniker Racketyjack.




Maybe we should make a CombatAce clan?

Edited by pcpilot

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Seeing your scores almost makes me want to stop playing. ;)


I dont feel I'm a bad player, but maybe I am as I just cant seem to get on a streak of surviving. I'm trying to bring my Panzer IV, Sherman and T-49 crews up to 100% (that stupid ratio they've got is pissing me off. 100% is 100%, not 90+10...)


Funny is that if I see a clan on our team, I'll tail them and assist because of strength in numbers and all that. But usually they are just as dumb as non clanners and get us killed faster. Cracks me up seeing them type orders and die mid-type.


I'll look you up on the US server.

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I love this tank! My last fightresutls.. damn I have to share it with you  :beach:


I have hit 11 Tanks

killed 8 of them

fired 40 shots

hit 33

and dealed damage 2921

and capture the whole base by myself!




That was my WOT Egotrip!

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yes, I noticed the lag is pretty bad for some reason. Im getting ping checks of 49 but ingame its running 170. Outstanding game that last one IAP, whoa!


You bet storm, just look for racketyjack. I tend to hold back and see where folks are going. I also tend to be more of a sniper. The medium tanks give me an advantage in speed and I use the terrain a LOT when I move.


PS. Believe it or not my wife plays this too. She is crash1953. She is death in her tiger I and su-85, lol.

Edited by pcpilot

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Sometimes i have real serious fps problems. Normally i have a rate of 20 to 30, but if i zoom in or out the fps rate drops sometimes to 6 or 9, which is unplayable. After some seconds i get the old fps rate back.

The same problem i face in battles with a lot of vehicles with machineguns. Especially with the P-IC or the british Light Mk.VI. If they start firing my fps drops form 30 to 9 and if i have a good fps rate again my tank is a smoking wreck. Interesstingly it does not happen if i play a Light and fire the MG. Then the fps rate is more or less constant.

Edited by Gepard

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On the US West server, I've had terrible issues with lag. It would stick around for several minutes, then clear. A couple of times I had to close the game completely.


Last night was so-so. I did ok, but often would be the last couple of tanks on our team fighting the enemy, and get surrounded and killed when everyone else had rushed into an ambush. Sucks as I was averaging about 2-3 kills per match. 


Looked you up pcpilot and messaged you, but didn't hear anything back. "Boom135"

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Yeah storm, Im sorry. My wife had me take her to the airport to pick up a friend and I forgot to log out. When I came back I sent a couple messages but you must've been busy. I'll keep looking for you when I log on and I added you as a friend.

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Nice haul!


Took the night off from WoT last night. Watched the NFL playoffs and some movies with the Mrs.


The night prior, teamed up with pcpilot and we did ok. I think it was about 50/50 win/lose. We used Team Speak to communicate which helped out a lot. In fact, we were the last two tanks for our team in one battle and killed our fair share. Having that coop really does help.



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I'm a little too busy to play too often anymore but I'm a decent player.  If anyone of you gentlemen/ women are in a decent platoon I would appreciate an invite.  My name is slopedarmor.

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Sometimes you need only luck







Was a nice battle at Lakeville. You know, that map with the valley at the left side and the town on the right. In the middle the lake and the small street.

The game starts and all of my team are playing lemming path into the valley. But not to push there, but to camp. All? Not all. Me and a small T-15 are going into the town. The T-15 played suicide scout and died into the first 60 seconds.  But his recon was successfull, so that i knew that i had to face 6 enemies in the town. My Tilly was so slow, that i have not entered the town, when two enemies tried to overrun us into the middle. A Medium III and a T-15. I got the medium the T-15 retreated. Then i crawled into the town. And it was the pure fun to see how 6 enemies frightend to face a lonley Tilly. I got 4them, one after an other, the last two retreated. After i have cleared the area around the church i got support by a T-28 and two other light vehicles. Together we rolled toward the enemy base where i got my last two kills.


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Popped on the Hellcat this morning, as it was marked down a bit. I had enough credits, so no problem. I'll outfit it slowly but wanted to grab it while on discount.


I'm also thinking of adding the Easy 8 M4. Is that a good buy?

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Easy 8 is good. The Jumbo Sherman is a little bit tricky, but good too. I prefer the Easy 8.

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Ok, so I worked enough credits/points to buy both the Hellcat and Easy 8 Sherman. Sunday, I went ahead and bought myself 1 day of premium in order to bring my points back up so I could afford to upgrade them both. So they are good now, but not fully.


So, I've never been lucky with the T-34. After outfitting it per your advice, I've done dramatically better but not fully happy. I've been slowly getting credits toward the next Tier and am nearly there. So, what do you prefer? The T-34-85 or A-43?


The A-43 has very limited guns (only Tier V, same as on my current T-34), while the T-34-85 remains a medium but offers the most range in cannons. The last option, the Su-85 is out of the question. Just not happy in a non-turreted TD. You have to move too much.





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T-35 85 cause of the guns, same as the KV1 I think


Su-85 is a hell of a TD and the Su-100 is even better and hurts alot, wait till you get a shell from a 100 and you will go for it in the tech tree.

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At the moment i prefer the A-43. Its true, that the best gun of the 34/85 has a much better penetration power and hurts much more, but the rate of fire is much better with the A-43 and S53 76,2mm gun. The A-43 has a much better power to weight ratio. The top speed is not so impressive, but the acceleration is great. Driving the A-43 is feeling like driving a sportscar. Fast and agil. And all other guys will underestimate you. Its similar to the US T49 tankdestroyer. On paper not great, but in game a lot of power.


Both tanks are good. But with A-43 you has more fun.


Here my statistics for both vehicles. The 34/85 statistic is a little bit to good, because i have this tank since a long time, when he still had a 100mm gun. With 85mm gun the datas are not so impressive.



Edited by Gepard

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Playing with high tires is a little bit frustrating. With my T-54 i have no real success. The gun is to weak to do something constructive. I hope, that it will change with the best gun, but i doubt. I must still get more than 40.000 xp till i can buy the D-54TS gun. Its a long way ...


Sometimes it is so frustrating, that i think that i have forgotten how to play WOT. Then i take a little tier 1 or 2 tank and have my fun.

Like these:




Was a funny game.




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You killed them all! Nice work.


I haven't played WoT in a couple of weeks. Kind of lost motivation to play with random people.

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Same here haven`t played WOt since some weeks. I have seen the new patch was released and as they have moved the euro server from munich to amsterdam, the performance hit was huge. So looks like i haven not missed a thing

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On first day of patch 8.11 both Euro servers had had serious lag problems. It was a nightmare to play. But in the last days the problem seems to be over.


The new "Confrontation" mode is more or less great. But only if you play heavies. I had had a lot of battles between IS and Tiger I, with each side more than 10 vehicles of one type. Normaly the IS win.

The most impressive battle i fought last sunday at Live Oaks. The enemy had 10 E75, 3 Jagdtiger, 2 Tiger II. My side had had 3 IS-8, 3 IS-3, 1 SU-152 and 8 T-54. The common chat was "OMG, its impossible. **** MM." And finally we won. The IS-8s and some T-54 faced the enemy, 8 E-75 and 1 Tiger II  in the city and the other T-54s formed a wolfpack and hit the back of the enemy heavies in the city. I got 2 E-75 there and damaged several others. Was a great battle.

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So Confrontation is geared more toward heavy battles instead of Country vs. Country during certain period, which would determine what tanks get matched up? In the early war, the IS' and Tigers weren't around yet.


Seems like a waste, unless I've got it wrong.


Updated the game today, but haven't played it yet. Maybe this week.

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Will try it later, have lost the interest in the last time. I have bought Dungen Keeper 1 and 2 for 1,49$ and Red Orchestra 2 I have enough to play ;)

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