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Need help. Someone tries to take over my G account?!

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I logged to Gmail today, just to find this:




I changed my password twice since that, but I'm still affraid my account might be compromised.

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Prezmek, I wouldn't be that concerned.


Obviously, like any door or alarm system, with enough attempts, someone can break in.


Having said that, most breaches are because folks don't use strong passwords.


What I would recommend is first, check your computer to make sure it has no viruses, especially things like keyloggers.


Once that is done, check your password or your account for any unusual emails having been sent out from it. Also, I believe Google allows for two-factor authentication...if you are concerned, enable it. It will make it more difficult to take over. If your account itself doesn't show any actual odd activity, it was probably just a random, bot powered fishing attempt that failed.



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Harold, you might be right, this is my old computer I very rarely use and haven't scanned in a long time, so I wouldn't be suprised if it's infected somehow :/ will do so.


As for verification, I have other mail adress and my mobile number in the data base for security verification/poassword restoration so I think that's enough for now.


I'm not paranoic about my web security but as my GOG and STEAM accounts are linked to that adress, I don't want to loose that (among other things)


Thanks for information!

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Adding to that, a very difficult password can help, making brute force attacks more and more difficult, changing it from time to time also makes virtually impossble, is my normal practice.

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mine is strong, not impossible to crack, but it isn't 123cookie :smile:


ok, I'll scan it with new database and will see

Edited by Stary

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Try to remember if you opened your account on somebody else's system or in a public place(cafe,restaurant etc.).

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nope, only home and office computers

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Unfortunately I wouldn't even trust Google that this was not an attempt to squeeze out some more personal data from you.

Yes I know I'm paranoid but those popular services did not give me much reasons not to be...

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When you read this article, you will find out just how insecure any passwords are now: http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2012/11/ff-mat-honan-password-hacker/


Panama, you may want to try posting that link while NOT logged into your email account...


For those who are wondering what Panama Red is talking about...start here: http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2012/08/apple-amazon-mat-honan-hacking/all/



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FastCargo sorry about that, but thanks for fixing the link.


Needless to say, it is a very disturbing article on how easy it is to aquire everything electronically now days when they use your email address as your identity !!!!

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Had the same thing happen while I was on vacation. Increased my security to require phone verification and reset my password. No problemo.

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A few days ago I found some strange stuff in my E-Mail,So I checked my recent loggins and I found that I loggedin from Gremany, I havent been to Germany since 1976.Changed to stronger password, Fixed it.

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not funny :tongue:

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Enable two step verification for your Gmail a/c, that should take care of unauthorized logins to your account.


Gmail>Account>Settings>Security>Enable two step verification.


Edited by ghostrider883

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