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is all there you only could not see them on the other screenshots


OK, Thank You...this is fine


what i badly need are pictures from the nozzle of the AIM-7A / C / D , otherwise i have to release them semifinished

i contacted Museums in the US but i only got pictures from the E and F versions and this i have already


unfortunately i dont have images of those older variant, moreover not from the nozzle, sorry :sad:


and this is the only picture i got from the nozzle of the AIM-7A , now i only hope that my interpretation of it is correct


looking good ! :imhappy:... maybe if someone will has visual problems with your model, he will post some images for future corrections



there is still one problem though if my intterpretation would be correct do i have to change the AIM-7C to the same nozzle , because they used the same " Aerojet1.8KS 7800 Rocket Engine " ?????

on the other hand this pictures shows a the same " Rocket Engine " but from a AIM-7B , this motor was donated to the Smithsonian , with a nozzle more close to the one i made for the AIM-7C


i wish i could have a bit more help to clear this up


i think you should contact with Raytheon Co.....worth a try



or you should drop a Personal Message to Dave, hopefully he will able to help you with some old USAF photos...maybe not images of missiles but images of aircrafts whitch carrying those missiles...better than nothing




Edited by HungaroJET

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Ravenclaw you are the duke of the mod art,, your phantoms, your weapons.......i cant say nothing

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Any chance you'd upload a BETA of the french missiles? :angel:


Certain Iraqi mirages need them for maximum pr0n screenies :biggrin:

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Any chance you'd upload a BETA of the french missiles? :angel:


Certain Iraqi mirages need them for maximum pr0n screenies :biggrin:



Sorry , i dont upload any more BETA for the Weaponspack2 , i´m just working on the AIM-4D and some ECM-pods that i need for my upcoming F-4E / F mod as soon as this weapons are done i upload the Weaponspack2

the AIM-7A will not be part of this weaponspack anymore , i simply dont have enough pictures for it


i hope you can wait the next 2 weeks :lol:


aaahhhmmm...... , i may still need some testpilots for weapons testing if you are interested :grin:


AIM-4D work in progress




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Hey Volker bring us also the AIM7 A with the note "unter vorbehalt"


I agree, please put it to your WeaponPack. Maybe later you should update that model...if you got more photos/infos.


BTW: maybe these will help a bit





VX-4 Evaluators F3H-2N Demon BuNo 133634


interesting shape:


Edited by HungaroJET

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after all this years i´m finally made the AAM-N-2 /  AIM-7A Sparrow I and that is how it looks like







the 2 flares / tracer  on the rear are made as self illumination , i have to try if that works in game , it is the first time i do it this way


based on a special request i made the AAM-N-3 Sparrow II , there are 2 versions the USN one and the one from the RCAF and based on the RCAF version i made a what if AIM-7B production version 

from the top USN , RCAF





and the what if AIM-7B




and i made the last and final version the AIM-7 the AIM-7R , the missile had a IR-seeker in the radome and an updated avionics , the missile program was stoped due to budget cuts and the high cost of the program but there a some rumors that some of this AIM-7R where used in the Gulf War but no deffint prove of it though





Edited by ravenclaw_007
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Looking good as usual

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1 hour ago, ravenclaw_007 said:

and i made the last and final version the AIM-7 the AIM-7R , the missile had a IR-seeker in the radome and an updated avionics , the missile program was stoped due to budget cuts and the high cost of the program but there a some rumors that some of this AIM-7R where used in the Gulf War but no deffint prove of it though

well, that would explain the better performance of the "Great White Hope" over Iraq , although this is the first i've ever heard of it (and i've been hearing that "120s got their combat debut the last week of Desert Storm" rumor since the mid 90s

Edited by daddyairplanes

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Looking great, good to see you working. :wink:

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this are the only pictures i have from the AIM-7R  ,  the AIM-7R is basically a AIM-7P with a IR seeker and more modern avionics

after the AIM-7R program was canceled they used the new MHIP (Missile Homing Improvement Program) seeker on the RIM-66M Block III B





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ok here are the AIM-7A , AIM-7B and AIM-7R missiles , the AAM-N-2 / AIM-7A is set up as beam rider and therefore very difficult to hit something with it

good luck and have fun with it



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