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Hey guys!


First off, I'd like to say I'm a new member to the forum and a completely new player to the Strike Fighters 2 series all together.


Next, let me apologize in advance for shamelessly advertising for myself, as I don't know if it's against the rules of the forum. If it is, please know I didn't mean to break the rules, but I'd figure this would apply to the kinda stuff Combat Ace is all about.



Basically I love to play flight and combat flight simulators, along with other PC games. I have a problem. But at least I capture said problem with FRAPS, and I'd love to invite you guys to my youtube channel, where currently, as I type this, I am uploading the first in hopefully many videos of Let's Play Strike Fighters 2, Mercenary Mode. 126 minutes left, so if you click now, it may not be up yet, depending on your time of reading. Anyways, I hope you guys will enjoy watching, and I want to thank you all for allowing me to join this community, which has clearly spent a lot of time to make these games even better.




And erm, I may be rambling but as a final note, since this first video of strike fighters 2 is the only time I've ever attempted to record this series, the audio levels are off, and so it may be hard to hear my commentary. That should be cleared up in the second video.





Edited by Hero540

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I have to admit that I am an ardent supporter of TotalBuscuits views on Let´s play Content so you will have a high bar to measure up to on my end.

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  On 1/12/2013 at 8:33 AM, JonathanRL said:

I have to admit that I am an ardent supporter of TotalBuscuits views on Let´s play Content so you will have a high bar to measure up to on my end.


Haha! I am boned then, good sir. Lol. Yeah, I love the greats like PlumphelmetPunk, Jef Major (One F Jef) Kikoskia, and many others, and I feel I need to be honest with you...I am not a tenth of a percentile as entertaining as them, so you may be disappointed...(and that's an understatement)

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We just have to see about that. At the moment, I do not see the video at all.

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Unfortunately it's still uploading. I upload to view at 1080p so it takes quite awhile. Youtube says around 48 minutes to go. I'll have it set up in a playlist later. I apologize as I didn't mean for anyone to go searching for it right away.

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Hmm, well please excuse the double post...can't seem to find an edit post button... Anyways the videos have finally uploaded.


Also, again, please forgive the sucky audio levels. The game recorded a bit loud, I should have that sorted in the second video when I record that episode. :doh:

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Welcome to Combat Ace mate. Anyone who's enthusiastic about SF2 is alright by me!

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Do you plan on downloading NATO mod? I bet your LPs will last a lot longer!

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  On 1/12/2013 at 8:57 PM, RogerSmith said:

Do you plan on downloading NATO mod? I bet your LPs will last a lot longer!


Well, based on my flying skills, probably not, LOL! But I have heard a heck of a lot about this NATO mod. I have no idea what it is. I've seen it around and apparently it adds a ton of flyable aircraft and such, but it looks very complex, and as such I've been straying away from it as I have yet to fully understand modding Strike Fighters 2, so I don't wanna break my game. Also, thanks everyone for the very warm welcomes. As I said in another topic I posted for a question, everyone has come forth with great information. It's a good community to be a part of. :smile:

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  On 1/13/2013 at 1:12 AM, Hero540 said:

Well, based on my flying skills, probably not, LOL! But I have heard a heck of a lot about this NATO mod. I have no idea what it is. I've seen it around and apparently it adds a ton of flyable aircraft and such, but it looks very complex, and as such I've been straying away from it as I have yet to fully understand modding Strike Fighters 2, so I don't wanna break my game. Also, thanks everyone for the very warm welcomes. As I said in another topic I posted for a question, everyone has come forth with great information. It's a good community to be a part of. :smile:


Actually I find SF2 modding installation the most simple modding installation in game history. Could be like IL-2 where the game isn't dedicated to mods at all. :p

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  On 1/13/2013 at 1:21 AM, RogerSmith said:

Actually I find SF2 modding installation the most simple modding installation in game history. Could be like IL-2 where the game isn't dedicated to mods at all. :p


Ya know, this is the truth. I think I attempted to mod IL-2. ONCE. lol. Anyways, is this DLC an expansion to Strike Fighters 2 Europe, or is it literally called the Campaign Customizer, because I can't seem to find it on ThirdWire's website.

Edited by Hero540

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  On 1/13/2013 at 1:22 AM, Hero540 said:

Ya know, this is the truth. I think I attempted to mod IL-2. ONCE. lol. Anyways, is this DLC an expansion to Strike Fighters 2 Europe, or is it literally called the Campaign Customizer, because I can't seem to find it on ThirdWire's website.


Oh man, what the hell? Sorry for the double post but this is what I get for not paying attention to which topic I'm in. This is embarassing.... :blush:

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Lee, you'll find the Campaign Customizer at ThirdWire/Store/DLC Store. It's $5.99. The Cat. extractor is at Downloads/Tools and Utilities. It's free, and by far the most useful thing you can have.

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  On 1/13/2013 at 2:34 AM, SupGen said:

Lee, you'll find the Campaign Customizer at ThirdWire/Store/DLC Store. It's $5.99. The Cat. extractor is at Downloads/Tools and Utilities. It's free, and by far the most useful thing you can have.


Thanks SupGen! I finally managed to find the Campaign Customizer on ThirdWire and I'm quite pleased to have found it. That should allow me to continue on as a Merc for my Let's Play series when I eventually die in the Desert. Being as unexperienced as I am, it's only a matter of time before a MIG-17 shreds me to ribbons. As for the .Cat extractor, I'll head over that way and find it. The question I asked earlier about the DLC was quite embarassing as I meant it to be in another topic, lol. Ah well, noobiness all around! :drinks:

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  On 1/13/2013 at 3:45 AM, Hero540 said:

Thanks SupGen! I finally managed to find the Campaign Customizer on ThirdWire and I'm quite pleased to have found it. :drinks:


I use it to go solo against formations of a million bombers. Sometimes they shoot each other in the crossfire

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  On 1/13/2013 at 8:42 AM, RogerSmith said:

I use it to go solo against formations of a million bombers. Sometimes they shoot each other in the crossfire


Now that's crazy!


Okay, also as I type, I'm uploading chapter 2. It's a short video but I believe my commentary volume is a heck of a lot better. The video has about 75 minutes remaining from the time of this post. And a big thank you to everyone who's watched due to this topic. Since posting here in that short time, the single video has gotten more views and comments and likes then stuff I've had up for days. I really appreciate it. It makes my day!

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Good video. Do you plan on playing lots of SF2? If so, Will you buy TrackIR?

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  On 1/14/2013 at 7:20 PM, RogerSmith said:

Good video. Do you plan on playing lots of SF2? If so, Will you buy TrackIR?


I am quite addicted to the game. As for buying TrackIR I have looked into it in the past because I have flight simulators like FSX, and Rise of Flight so I'd love to own it, but I think I may go for a cheaper version, I forget it's name but because I'm playing on a gaming laptop with a built in webcam, this cheaper knock off seems like it may work because it uses the Webcam to track head movement. Dunno how well it'll work but on my budget I have to be a cheapskate, lol.

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  On 1/15/2013 at 3:45 AM, Hero540 said:

I am quite addicted to the game. As for buying TrackIR I have looked into it in the past because I have flight simulators like FSX, and Rise of Flight so I'd love to own it, but I think I may go for a cheaper version, I forget it's name but because I'm playing on a gaming laptop with a built in webcam, this cheaper knock off seems like it may work because it uses the Webcam to track head movement. Dunno how well it'll work but on my budget I have to be a cheapskate, lol.


If you're talking about FreeTrack, it's not worth it IMO. It was a pain in the butt to set up

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  On 1/15/2013 at 4:04 AM, RogerSmith said:

If you're talking about FreeTrack, it's not worth it IMO. It was a pain in the butt to set up


So far it's looking like I might be trying to get FaceTrackNoIR to work. I have it downloaded and it's registering my face but aside from blinding myself with a flashlight to keep my face brightly lit, I'm having trouble getting it to track.

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  On 1/15/2013 at 6:27 AM, Hero540 said:

So far it's looking like I might be trying to get FaceTrackNoIR to work. I have it downloaded and it's registering my face but aside from blinding myself with a flashlight to keep my face brightly lit, I'm having trouble getting it to track.


That doesn't work well even in perfect conditions, and it will eat up CPU power slowing down the games

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If you go for Tir go for at least a Tir4 - that was very good.


Not easy to get though - when i sold it on ebay I had people trying to bribe me a few days into the auction and the end bid was nearly as high as a new one cost!

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Ouch! Honestly not worth it as far as I know. While I'm envious of the people who have head tracking cause it looks super smooth and only has to help playability of the Sim, I can't see myself spending that much, especially since I don't make money off of YouTube. I'll be sticking to the old fashioned hatswitch even if it does unfortunately look crappy and may cost me some views. I'm sorry. =/ Hopefully facetracknoir can stop being tempermental lol

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Hero, go here: http://simhq.com/_air/acc_library.html#briefing . Read Andy Bush's It's all a Matter of Perspective Pts 1 through 4. These articles (by someone who flew actual combat missions with F-4's and A-10's) will teach you not only to use the Shift+F8 Player to Target View, but why it's not only not cheating, as some would have you believe, but a much more realistic way to approach air combat on a 2-D monitor. Check these out! I can't stress this strongly enough, after you read these and apply the technique you won't want TrackIR.

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