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:victory: Hello, I'm Erik. My friends call me Falcon or Falc for short. I've been a SIMHQ member for a long time even though I don't post there alot. I decided to join in this site few days ago and downloaded few stuff for SF.


Few of you know who I am but I'll post a short bio. I'm 35 years old and live in Dayton, Ohio practically right under WPAFB flight paths. I'm in a wheelchair and have Cerebral Palsy. Been flying sim since the days of wire graphics on F-15 Strike Eagle on an Apple computer.


My other hobbies include sword/knife collecting, comic book collecting, watching Anime, Godzilla fan, comic lithograph collecting.


I'm belong to a virtual squadron called The Cactus Air Force in which we're named from the real squad. The squad always fly and fight for the underdog country. For years we've been flyin in the Air Warrior series of sims until we got fed up by the lack of real fixes and the cockness of few mods within the game. Nowadays we're flying the sim Aces High and like the days in AW, we're making a name for ourselves in AH:) You can check out the squad at www.cactusairforce.org :cool:


I hope I'll be very active in the forum and be accepted. OH! If you guys have any questions about my disability, please feel free to ask :grin:



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welcome aboard

enjoy this site :)

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Welcome to the forums Falcon! I like to collect swords too, samurai swords to be exact. I got a few of them. hanging on my wall.




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Cool a fellow collector. I have no Kattanas yet but I'm planning to get one from Japan which the swords are handmade:). I found a site that order them for a hefty price. About 1,000+ bucks but to me its worth it. The site's url is www.thesteelsource.com


Be warned though, after you view this site, you'll be like this... :blink::shok:


They got good deals on fanasty knives and swords too. They even got samuria armor suits too.



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Nice to meet you Falcon, good to see more folks over here! :victory:



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Well Met,


I'm a collector of some medieval weaponry, mainly Bastard Swords and Two-handed swords. I have a nice one upstairs with a custom leather back sling. I do own a Cheap Katana, although I'm still planning on making a custom handle one day. I'm more into bows though. Rather get my enemy from a distance then draw them close. I make custom Gemsbok hornbows. One of a kind...each and every one.



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Hey FalconCAF where you been hiding? Long time no see. Welcome to the dark side.

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Hey FalconCAF where you been hiding? Long time no see. Welcome to the dark side.


Been lurking in SIMHQ SF Forum. Tired of getting no help of finding a F-16 skin. Hope you guys can help me. Its the Ohio ANG skin for the block 25.



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Got a pic of it?

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I will check around. And see what I can find. I had never seen that skin on the ones we did before. If you get me a good clear high res decal of it I will do it for you sometime over the next week since I will be on leave.

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I believe 31killerbee did the skin but he never replied to my post in SIMHQ's SF Forum.


I'll check theres any good pics of that skin.



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I will check around. And see what I can find. I had never seen that skin on the ones we did before. If you get me a good clear high res decal of it I will do it for you sometime over the next week since I will be on leave.


USAFMTL, I found one but its the F-16D Block 30 version. Got it from www.f-16.net




I'll keep looking.. I found a F-16C Block 30 with OHIO ANG markings here.




and here




Ok I edited this so they'll show in this post... I hope.




Edited by FalconCAF

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Guest 531_Ghost

Nope they're not :blink:

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Guest 531_Ghost

It did?


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