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Theres more of them PAK FAs!

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Sukhoi's fifth-generation T-50 PAK-FA fighter was one of the highlights of the MAKS Moscow air show, as three of the company's prototype aircraft were displayed flying in formation for the first time.


 Speaking to journalists at the show, Russian air force commander Lt Gen Victor Bondarev said the PAK-FA project is at the experimental phase of its development.

"Operable specimens continue to undergo tests by the manufacturer, in preparation for submission to the defence ministry for state acceptance trials," he says. These will last for three years, he adds, and will assess the PAK-FA's compliance with the air force's technical and tactical specifications.

Several of the flight test aircraft will be moved from the third quarter of 2013 to a Russian air force base, for tests to be conducted by service personnel.

Four flying examples of the PAK-FA have so far been produced, with another four to follow by the end of the 2013.

Crowds also saw a flying display by one PAK-FA flown by Sukhoi chief test pilot Sergey Bodgan, which included a number of aerobatic manoeuvres never previously performed in public with the type.



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There is one thing for sure... as much as I know russians, I'd bet they are already producing it on serial line ...  it is just their usual maskirovka to underestimate them.

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The real interesting thing is, Physics are all over the world the same.. so the design was, is and will be similar.. Look at passenger jets .. boring stuff trough out the companys ... result of of the physic thingy :biggrin:

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PAK FA up close (3rd Sept)


During the recent MAKS airshow, Sukhoi allowed for the first time journalists to have a look at the T-50 (PAK FA – Perspektivny Aviatsionny Kompleks Frontovoy Aviatsii—Future Tactical Air System) from short distance.























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PAK FA piloted by 55 year old fat alcoholics. Big threat. Yawn.

I read once that American pilots before Pearl Harbour were talking about short sighed yellow monkeys flying outdated airplanes.

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  In terms of pure looks the PAK-FA makes the Raptor look like an aged meth crazed hooker. :biggrin:

PAK FA up close (3rd Sept)


During the recent MAKS airshow, Sukhoi allowed for the first time journalists to have a look at the T-50 (PAK FA – Perspektivny Aviatsionny Kompleks Frontovoy Aviatsii—Future Tactical Air System) from short distance.



 Great pics thanks for the upload.

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