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Interview With Wrench

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CombatACE Spotlight Special Featuring: Wrench


Wrench has been a member here at CombatACE since November of 2004. It's come to my attention that he deserves a little time in the spotlight. He has created or helped with over 300 mods that have accumulated roughly 60,000 downloads!


index.php?app=gallery&module=images&sect“CA is just a great place. For the most part, everyone gets along and respects one another… I think the people here are just as they are in real life; and THAT's the best thing.” -Wrench


Hello everyone! It is my great pleasure to bring you the interview of a long time member here at CombatACE the one and the only Wrench who is an awesome guy that has made or helped with hundreds of mods over the years. Thank you for agreeing to do this interview with us.


So, Wrench, can you tell us a little about yourself?

Well, I'm a native Californian, spent 30 years in the automotive industry as a repair technician (when electronics starting flooding cars, we got a title change from mechanic to technician, doncha know! Didn't get any more money, though.) I specialized in Emission Controls and Drivability. That led me to a certain type of thinking ... a very 'follow the charts and procedures' mentality that keeps one on track to locate, isolate, and fix the problem. Of course, being a "Type A" personality helps. Keeps you on track.


What interests you about aviation?

Being able to leave the ground, and float in the sky. Being one with the sky, the clouds, the winds ... almost as free as a bird. The old turn-of-the-last-century romantic notions do still live within, as does the little boy that is constantly looking up at any passing aircraft over the horizon. Being an acrophobe limits one to about 6 feet off the ground!!! LOL!!


What is your favorite aircraft and why? 

It all depends on what era you're talking about. Could be the Mustang or B-17 or Sabre or the Phantom (but Phantoms are pretty much a given for just about everyone!!)


What got you interested in flight simulation? 

Growing up and living just east of historical Santa Monica airport. So many important civil and military aircraft came out of there when Douglas Aviation was still here. When personal computers started their rise in the 80s and 90s, and flight sims started being developed, it was just a natural progression for someone that loved aircraft.


index.php?app=gallery&module=images&sectDo you remember the first flight sim you ever played?

360 Pacific's "Megafortress", on my 386 DOS machine. That one taught me a lot about multi-tasking, because as the player, you had to 'jump' between crew stations to perform their tasks.


What motivated you to arrive here at CombatACE and become a prolific member who submitted 354 mods that have accumulated well over 61,000 downloads?

Well, when modding started for the SF series, there really wasn't anywhere else to go.


Wrench you’ve been a member here at CombatACE for a long time. Has being a member of the CombatACE community affected your life any? 

I'm sure it has; I just don't know how. Maybe ask my wife!! (LOL!!)


When did you start modding?

Way back in the days of ATF and FA (Fighters Anthology). I did a lot a 'novel conversions'. Meaning, you used a set of missions (and suitably modified terrains) to tell the story of the book, by "flying" the book. I also did a LOT of mission conversions and some new builds for X-Wing and Tie Fighter. Converting the XW and TF original missions for use in X-Wing vx Tie Fighter. I don't remember exactly, but somewhere around 1500 individual files; many were complete campaigns. Even did some for XWA


What does modding do for you? Is it something that is relaxing and neat hobby etc?

It's relaxing and frustrating at the same time. Working within the restrictions imposed, in my case, by the Terrain Engine and its wacky tiling set up. The research I do for each terrain can be unbelievable -- navigational charts, satellite photos, etc. One needs to literally immerse oneself in the region that you're building. When building terrains, you need to look at the whole geo-physical structure of the region. It ain't just slapping down tiles and cities and then filling them in with targets (ie: things to blow up). It's the "hows and whys" certain things ARE where they are. A passing knowledge of geology, hydrology and maybe even ethnology comes in handy.


What modding tools do you use and why?

Since my major focus is terrains (giving all those neat 'toys' an appropriate sandbox.), the 3d Wire Terrain editor. Gerwin's TFD tool is a helper app, but not something I use to really build with. Of course, skinning and decaling aircraft requires the Usual Suspect - Photoshop. And a good (free!!) Hex Editor for those pesky lods that need a slight rewrite.


What is your favorite mod you have created? 

I don't really know if I have one. My WW2 mods at near the top. But I'd have to say my terrain works. The KAW terrain has to be near the top, if not the #1. So much work went into that one that was unbelievable. That one pretty much crossed the OCD border to "must get this as right as possible".


Who is a Modder you admire or inspired you to start modding?

I can think of several I admire for their work, but as for inspiration to start, that had to come from within. You can take the mechanic out of the shop, but the desire to tinker with the workings always remains (yes, ex-Hot Rodder!) Most, if not all my admiration has to go to the 3D guys, and the FM gurus. They're like wizards, conjurers and sorcerers, pulling things seemingly out of thin air. Guys like Ravenclaw, Raven, FastCargo, RussoUk, Stary, Veltro2k. Of course, the late Bpao of the Mirage Factory. Absolutely one the best. Oli's passing was a substantial loss to the SF community. All these 3d modelers have my respect and admiration. I've always said, as a terrain guy "I've given you the sandbox; others have given you the toys. Make what you will of it".


Do you have favorite quotes or thoughts about being here at CombatACE you’d like to share?

None printable on a family site!! LOL!! No, seriously. I ask the people and think about some of their requests. There's far to many of the "gimmies" and "I wants". Before making requests, THINK about how said item would/could/should be used in game. Some are just so impractical, as to be jokes. CA is just a great place. For the most part, everyone gets along and respects one another. In these days of net anonymity, it's easy to hide behind a persona. I think the people here are just as they are in real life; and THAT's the best thing.


Thank you Wrench for taking the time to do an interview with us. A huge thank you for all of the hard work and dedication you put into your mods, for sharing them with us, and helping this community grow.


And much thanks to all of you out there that help our community to stay strong. I'm Skyviper with the CombatACE News Team wishing everyone out there good hunting.

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 Good artical - Wish I was smart enough to do Mods. But there is one prob, I read the book and as a former SAC Puke, I hate the look of of the Mega Fortress. It is an insult to the Buff. Really - A V-Tail?. 

Pointy Nose.

 Really  - good Interview - with really American answers. Enjoyed reading it.


Oh yeah, I have quite a few of ur Mods Wrench, thank you.

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Megafortress was a Dale Brown book. I never read it, but I know the game was based on it. I never had the game either because I had an Apple IIe at the time. Later on I did have the XW and TF games on my 386 (and still do, btw), but had no idea at all that they were modifiable!


Wrench, love your work, and you've answered my lame questions when I've asked. In my book you rate A #1. I nominate you for Hall of fame here at CA!

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I nominate you for Hall of fame here at CA!







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ah, shucks, guys!! (shuffles feet around)

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