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@ Stephan1918 -- an odd request

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I know you're SUPER busy with all the FE stuff you've got going, but I'd like to request a few 'tweeks' to one of your ships from the North Sea.


The British destroyer is REALLY close to the V & W classes, as used through WW2.


Would it be possible to animate the main gun turrets and the central AAA guns? And give them guns, of course. I assume this means a new lod, but the skins are perfect.

These are nearly perfect for us WW2 guys for use in Europe and the Med.


thanks for all your work!


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I think I can do that.


I had a rough summer - things were happening with my family that needed my attention. Since then it's been hard getting back into the swing with First Eagles. I have several projects that I haven't really worked on since June. I think maybe some smaller projects will help me get back into the routine.


I'll see what I can do with the Destroyer.

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Sorry to hear about your family issues Stephen. Hope it all will work out for the better. Take all the time you need. This stuff is just for fun.

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my feelings exactly -- family comes FIRST!!


just for giggles, here's one heading out the Thames Estuary, past the Port of London (forgive the full data display, I was building the targets ini) The cargo ships in the background are also yours!


and Thank You!!

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sending thoughts and prayers to you and your family Stephen.Thabnks again for all you have done for this sim.

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Same here, Stephen, I didn't know you/yours were in trouble. As Wrench said, family comes first. This is only a hobby.

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Stephan, I hope everything has worked out well for you and your family.  Your considerable contributions to the FE community have helped me when I have needed a temporary timeout from the slings and arrows of real life.  Thanks, and I wish you and your family the very best.

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Thanks for your kind words, gentlemen.


The revised British Destroyer is being tested now. I'll upload it as soon as any necessary corrections are completed.

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a reminder folks, it'll be for SF2 at the latest patch level, for the NA envorinment, for my WW2 mods


with many thanks to Stephan!!

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