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Can I add North Atlantic to an already modded install?

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Title says it all.. At some point I'm thinking of adding North Atlantic..but I've already extensively modded my current Vietnam/Israel/Europe install.. Since all those mods are (presumably) in the /USER/SAVEDGAMES/ folders - can I just install North Atlantic without any problems? Not too interested in playing anything beyond Vietnam at the moment..but I do love me that Harrier..!





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If you add it, it will revert some object mods (specifically, Thirdwire .ini files)  back to stock format.  Backup any of your custom ini files for Thirdwire aircraft and objects, and backup the Razbam A-6's, as the ini files for those may be overwritten in favor of the Thirdwire versions that are included with NA.


Otherwise, enjoy!

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If you add it, it will revert some object mods (specifically, Thirdwire .ini files)  back to stock format.  Backup any of your custom ini files for Thirdwire aircraft and objects, and backup the Razbam A-6's, as the ini files for those may be overwritten in favor of the Thirdwire versions that are included with NA.



That makes sense. But if I extracted Thirdwire .ini files to my /USER/SAVEGAME directory to mod them, then I don't really need to worry about NA reverting those CAT files right..since the mod folder preempt the Thirdwire files? (I think that's right right?) As for the RAZBAM A-6's..yes, I'd could just re-install those.


Guess I should have just done the whole install first, then started modding..but I'm obtuse that way..



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Perhaps I should have explained it better, installation of a new title, a DLC, or an update (patch) will overwrite the ini files in your saved games folder.

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Perhaps I should have explained it better, installation of a new title, a DLC, or an update (patch) will overwrite the ini files in your saved games folder.


Ah..OK. That makes things a bit more complicated then. I suppose it's not as easy as just moving the saved games data, installing the update, and then moving the saved game data back. I'd assume that wouldn't work since I'd be overwrting the new North Atlantic changes to the saved games folder.




LOL..I look at my modded game as sort of a house of cards. Right now I have it set just right..and prior to each mod I back up the whole saved game folder in case I screw something up and need to revert. Kind of a hassle, but better than having to rebuild the tower of cards each time I make a change. I guess now is a good time to ask the question if there is a utility that can install then roll back a mod if one doesn't like it?



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Ah..OK. That makes things a bit more complicated then. I suppose it's not as easy as just moving the saved games data, installing the update, and then moving the saved game data back. I'd assume that wouldn't work since I'd be overwrting the new North Atlantic changes to the saved games folder.



Actually, it is exactly that easy.  Though you do have to watch what you copy back, as TK & Company often add features that may cause an incompatibility with certain mods (as you may have recently discovered with the Razbam A-6 series). 


I usually create duplicates of the ini files, and save them as text files to prevent them from being over-written.  After I apply a patch or install a DLC, I simply copy them back as .ini files, and I'm good to go.  A word of warning, though.  Several of us have encountered situations were the series seems to "fix itself" back to a default state, without any prompting, so always have your files backed up.

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For this exact reason I do this....install \ merge ALL games...make a copy\backup on old hd...then remove what I dont need...so if you add one back it wont really upset too much...less than new merge and update would cause anyways..

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Very important procedures have been mentioned here.

Although I've read threads at the knowledge base several times before, some doubts still persist. So I would appreciate your help.


For instance, last week or so, some Avast anti-virus update version messed badly some of the forum member's SF 2 installs (.dll files blocked), me included.


1 - Exactly which SF 2 (merged install) files or folders, should I copy/backup to another location on my PC or external HDD?


2 - In the event of some patch, mod, anti-virus, whatever, mess my install, is it enough to paste those previously copied (backup) files/folders at its original place in the game?


Thank you.

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Hello again, sorry to post my issue again & I've been reading SupGen's previous link, but some of my specific doubts still persist:


For instance, last week or so, some Avast anti-virus update version messed badly some of the forum member's SF 2 installs (.dll files blocked), me included.


1 - Exactly which SF 2 (merged install) files or folders, should I copy/backup to another location on my PC or external HDD?


2 - In the event of some patch, mod, anti-virus, whatever, mess my install, is it enough to paste those previously copied (backup) files/folders at its original place in the game?


Thank you.

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1:  Just back up your Mod folders - the ones in C:\Users\<>\Saved Games\ThirdWire


2. If anything screws with the core game files where the main install is - then you need to make sure you have the mod folders backedup (as 1) then reinstall the game if its not just a case of making exceptions for them in AV software.

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Thank you MigBuster,


Yes, the " C:\Users\<>\Saved Games\ThirdWire " folder already is 'universally' know around here.


About the " core game files where the main install is ", are you referring to this one :


" C:\Program Files (x86)\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2 "


Should I back up that one also ?

Edited by Boresight

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no. leave the core files alone

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