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Why isn't Sparrow missile 'certified' for F-4E Terminator ?

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Hello everyone,


That's right, returning again to some good flight hours, I've downloaded the spectacular F-4E 2020 Terminator (Turkish Air Force), from PureBlue - congratulations for this job by the way !


However, right at the respective read-me file it states: " Sparrows are not certified on Terminators. "


So I ask:


In real life, why is such an intensively upgraded machine like this, not qualified to operate a BVR missile - in this case, not even the Sparrow ?

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optimized for ground attack, maybe??

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Had already thought about that.


However it keeps feeling a little unusual to me, as it's maybe the first Phantom version I've heard of without Sparrow missiles.

( Not that I'm so knowledgeable, still. )


Does the Sparrow airframe/pylon configuration make those stations very unsuitable to ground ordnance ?


EDIT: I recall some German versions (also without  the Sparrow), however even in Vietnam the Phantoms were air-to-ground capable while carrying the Sparrow.


Maybe the keyword really is ' optimized '.

Edited by Boresight

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The Turks probably don't have any more AIM-7's. also the four stations are used for ECM, Targeting pods, and countermeasures like the late model Kurnass ( that didn't fly with Sparrow either).

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EDIT: I recall some German versions (also without  the Sparrow)...

Not sure about the Turks, but the German Air Force had only one version, the F-4F (10 "regular" F-4E at the Holloman AFB were only used for flight training).

All F-4F´s were never wired for the Sparrow, as it was assumed to be not necessary. Along the border to the DDR the "FlaRak-Gürtel" ("SAM-belt") would have been the main defense and the F-4 as fighter would have been used against single a/c slipped trough that SAM barrier.

Of course it was also because of the short distances in german airspace. With just a bit more then 100 miles from the air bases to the border and the speed of jet aircraft, all kind of BVR missiles were just unnecessary ballast.

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Could be use the Phamton the AIM-120???? Maybe they use the amraam.....

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Most likely, money. Upgrading to use Amraam costs (tho it is possible, Germans and i think Greeks did that), and sparrow is an old system. Would prob cost just as must to make sure the missles work and staying pointed at your enemy waiting for the round to impact is not good for a fighter pilots health in the 21st century...

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