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after the fall of Saigon sereval F-5s wer sent to Soviet union there they were examine by soviet experts

at the same time the damn by the goverment for a light export  fighter was made.

the Mikoyan OKB decide to take the F-5 as base for the new design.

the two engines were replace by a single MiG-21Bis engine a new Vertical tail was made and the nose guns replace by the standart Ghs-23 twing barrel gun

exports were amazing!!!!


Edited by cocas
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Looks like a JF-17!

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I've sometimes wondered why the Iranians who have worked on the F-5 have not tried to mate it to a RD-33 turbofan from the MiG-29. That would have made it a sort-of F-20 of the east, for real. Anyways, cool what-if!

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Cocas you just ended up making a bird that's going to be a part of a story I'm writing. Nice job. I look forward to its release and battles against F-20s.

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release his to be soon we  still chping away a fewe ruff edges and making more and more migsh!

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