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I've recently gotten into Vietnam so loaded up the expansion packs and green hell 3.5 into a Jul 2012 install merged with NA
Havn't noticed much in the way of bugs other than all stock A-6's permanently carrying a full set of external tanks regardless of wheather or not I select them at preflight. I've looked in the data and loadout ini's and both look normal.



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double check your load out inis. The 'new' Intruders have the tanks built into the aircraft's Lod. Also make sure the weapons (ie: the A-6 drop tank) isn't called for a separate lod.


Editing the loadout ini is a nothing job. You should only have the centerline tank, and bombs on the wings.

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Tried comenting out the tank references from the weapons stations/loadout ini - can't select them (as expected) and theyre still part of the model,  can't find a reference to tank lods outside of the weapons folder.



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Thanks guys got the A model sorted, will have a go at fixing up the rest tomorrow, think I might have buggered up one of the stations in the process as what ever goes on the inbords now gets selected for the outboard right but I'll worry about that after I catch up on three nights missed sleep :P



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Check the bellow values in the _data.ini for the right outerstation you have problem with, both values should be different from the ones the inner station has. StationID should be sequentially increasing, each has its own, and stationgroupID should match the leftouter pylon's ID of the same class pylon.


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No extra editing should be required if the Air and Ground Expansion Pack was installed correctly.  I actually just reinstalled this weekend my A-6 loadouts are fine.


Did you install all four parts, the VPAF addon, and the Sept 2013 update?  (6 files to download all together)  Did you double check that you followed all of the instructions?  Several of the downloads have different folders that need to be installed in a certain order depending on what titles you have installed and what patch level you are on.


Let us know how it goes.

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If you're seeing permanent wing tanks on the A-6, the my best guess is that one or both of the following is true (because others have made the same mistakes):


1. You didn't load the latest cumulative update pack, which includes fixes for the A-6 drop tanks in later patch levels:




2. When you installed the cockpit files from the FOTI A-6A, you copied all of the files from that download into your Expansion Pack install, not just the cockpit files, thereby overwriting the newer SF2 files with older Gen 1 INI files.


When installed correctly, the A-6s do not have loadout problems or permanent wing tanks in the 2010 and later patch levels.


Eric Howes

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I've only installed the first 4 packs as I don't have SF2, from what I've read the first 4 don't require anything other than a stock Vietnam install whilst the 2013 update requires SF2. As for the cockpit all I did was move the pit as instructed - all sorted now  :biggrin:


Also had my firsrt run in wit the "deadly flak" - first 3 missions the flak was decidedly underwhelming.... this time I was up against a supply depot surrounded by 3 or 4 other juicy targets and got my ass nailed on a mk.82 pop up.... round two snakeyes  :blackeye:



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OK, that would explain the loadout and tank problems. The original four install packages were released back in early 2010 -- before the several changes to the A-6A model that TK introduced in later patch levels.


The update package includes a ton of updates and fixes -- for the A-6s and a lot of other things to boot -- so it would be a good idea to get SF2, install it, then install the cumulative update package.


Eric Howes

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