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After an ID for the modder who made this Israeli Pilot.

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Hi there, does anyone know who created this pilot so that I can properly credit the modder?



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Hi Ian, I can't help you about the ID of the creator of this pilot,

but back in the days I had made a bunch of more detailed Israeli pilot skins...

After a while it became a joint project with X-Ray, alas never to be completed and released.

I think I have kept the templates somewhere.

Are you interested?



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Remember those WIP pics, hope you can release them one day.

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I don't have your templates  Diego...I was talking about mine.

I give credit to the people I borrowed elements from, including you.

When I was talking about templates I meant extracting some skins out from, not distributing, anyway.






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Well, Diego is there a chance that you release your Templates for the Public?

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