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A2A Missile Use in Vietnam ?

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The VSF squadrons regularly carried Sidewinders as standard. Their mission was as fighters for the smaller CVS carriers. A-4s in the attack role in VAs did not carry Sidewinders because their primary mission was bombing. VAs had VFs with F-8s and F-4s to do the fighter work. Rule of thumb, if your jet says VSF and you are flying a CAP mission then you have Sidewinders. If it says VA then you don't.


A big reason there has been the legend of the Atoll armed MiG-17 is because that is what we would have done if we had them. This legend is never spread in USAF circles, but in the late sixties with the advent of more advanced air to air combat training by the USN, the USN experts determined that an agile MiG-17 with Atolls would be the ideal worst case scenario. They trained for that scenario and briefed their pilots to be expected to see that. Not because of hard evidence that the VPAF was arming 17's with Atolls, but because it was feasible to do so and the USN would have done so if they where so equipped. That explains the appearance of Atoll armed MiG-17s in some USN reports.


Earlier in the war the VPAF did arm MiG-17s and MiG-21 with rocket pods. The use of unguided rockets in the air to air realm was a standard VPAF tactic. A Skyraider pilot seeing a rocket wiz by could assume that he was just engaged by an Atoll.

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No one called you out. Read my posts. I will admit the term stupid was a poor choice of words. I guess lacking any form of common sense would have been better. Like I said, I did not call you out. I even said in post #20 that I had no intention to piss you off. Now if you did get pissed off, then that is an issue you must deal with. My views on this matter are based purely on the facts I have studied pertaining to the issue. Also I have a HUGE bullshit filter. Skeptic by nature. If you have any proof to the contrary please share. I would love to hear it. If you are pissed I am sorry. Greg Boyington said, "show me a hero and I'll show you a bum."  BTW that was a pretty good game yesterday. Too bad the Army has standards.



Edited by CrazyhorseB34

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They did not know Randy Cunningham from Richie Cunningham.


My day began with a hard laugh from a Migbuster poast, and my day ends on hard laugh from a Crazyhorse poast.


Thanks man. I actually stopped and laughed hard when I read that, as with MB's poast this morning. I should come by here more often.


Ya'll raised a point I haven't considered:: if the NAVY team feared MiG-17 Atolls, cos its what we would have done ... NAVY was the first to load Sidewinders on USAF F-86s in 1958 given to Formosa, after all .... but as Gep poasted, -17 would not be a good match for Atolls so they were not used. Now, this could be related to the lower performance/construction quailities of the early Atolls combined with the lower MiG-17 performance in actual use, um, I guess.


In my stargetic SF game I have not worked on in a year, I had always assumed MiG-17s would not have Atolls, even if the PVO got "gifted" samples in 1956 like the real guys did in 1958. It just didn't make sense for some reason, even in my game. Intuition maybe lol?


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Who is that Ritchie Cunningham? A portmanteau of Steve Ritchie and Randy Cunningham? Like the Brangelina of Linebacker?

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"Happy Days" tv series



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Hey, that Fonzie looks cool. I never knew about him despite being the father of my career field "Percussive Maintenance Technician"

Edited by macelena

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I have a couple of questions regarding A2A missiles in Vietnam I'm hoping those of you with more knowledge can help me answer.  My limited research hasn't turned up much and much of what I found was contradictory or didn't come close to answering these questions.


1.  I've seen a few references to MiG-17s carrying A2A missiles in Vietnam, but by default this game doesn't allow for those in SF2V.  I surmise the North Vietnamese Air Force didn't have the resources in missile quantity that the US/Allied forces had.  And the problem with adding missiles to the MiG-17 is that they are almost always there.  







btw you can in newer versions change the _loadout.ini and specify the year you want the missiles to be loaded from.




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