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The terrain "invisable wall" question

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Is there a way to extend the invisible wall around the terrain borders? If all the parameters in the terrains' DATA.ini and MOVEMENT.ini all point to the far edges of the map, then why is the "Wall" so far in from the edges? When I ask is there a way I mean a way without the Terrain Editor.

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If I remember correctly, Wrench said TK locked this down again, so you can't adjust it.

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If I remember correctly, Wrench said TK locked this down again, so you can't adjust it.

Do you know from what Patch he locked this?



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Wench stated a long time ago that we could expand the borders like thus (remember since TK has not messed with FE2 like SF2, we can still do this):


=Adjusting Terrain Borders, aka, a FlightEngine.ini Tweek:

The following information has been included in several of my terrain mods, but just for saftey's sake, and so everyone can actually see it, (since few people actually read readmes...), this is the best place to have it readily available.
This tweek is usable on ALL 3rd Wire games -SF/WoV/WoE/WoI, the entire SF2 series, and First Eagles 1/2.

With some terrain maps available, there is a distinct posibility of hitting "The Wall" when operating from target areas near the 'edges' (N/E/S/W) of the terrain.

What you can do, is fiddle with the map borders, but this is a Global Change, and =WILL= effect all terrains. So, as usual BE ADVISED!!!!

You must extract the FlightEngine.ini from the FlightDat.cat, place it into your game install's /Flight folder. If, for SF2 users, you DON'T have a /Flight folder in you mods folder, CREATE one!!

Then, open it in your text editor of choice, and scroll down until you see this section:

Border=80000.0 <----this here line is The One!!!!

The section we're concerned with is the "Border=". It's set to the standard 80km in from the map edge. While experimentating with this for the KAW mod, I've found you can safely decrease this number to 25000.0 with no ill effects. Just be aware that this will change ALL terrains; stock or addons.

So, using a 'safe' number, this is what it should look like (here, I'm using a fairly decent number, and it works just peachy!)

Border=35000.0 <----this here line!!!! Note the change to 35000.0

This has been tested on just about ALL terrains currently available, and it creates NO difficulties whatsomever. Remember, this is a GLOBAL change, and it WILL effect all terrains in you game install. But, it does 'open up' some usable manuvering room for aircraft, and allows Terrain/Targeteers a bit more leeway in placements

kevin stein

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don't recall exactly, but one of the later 2012 or 2013 patches fucked us.


since FE2 hasn't been touched since 2010 (??), I'd gamble that you should (being the operative word) be able to adjust it.



edit: the world setting in FE are already a 25; most likely due to the smaller map sizes




don't know if adjusting it would help, or even do anything

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That's what I was looking for guys! Thanks a bunch. It does work for FE2. Don't want to get to close to that "Nothing" that's sweeping across the land. Maybe if I had a Luck Dragon.

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or a Stupid Bat!!!

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Or just the right Pod.

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