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One of the things I never liked (please note this is a personal opinion, I know some of you guys like the way is done that made you actually fly all the way from TO to landing, but my time is short and I like other options, so please don't start a flame war) of the old OFF was the lack of a real time warp. So my question is, how WOFF compares to the old version? Can I take off, gain some height and warp to the next waypoint? Can I use autopilot and time advance?



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There is no "Warp" in WOFF, it was "deactivated".  They deactivated it because it cause problems in the game since it calculates everything in real time and "warp" messed that up.


You can however time advance up to 16x and the autopilot is the same as the game AI (which means it will fight your battles for you like RB3D and IL2) so it will fly you from waypoint to waypoint just like you would.

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Have you ever seen the submarine film "Das Boot"?

And if so - did you see both the long TV version (282 minutes), as well as the cinema cut version (143 minutes)?

I watched both, and I find that only the long TV version can halfways give you an idea of how submarine warfare

really as.

The long times without any sun or space, the claustrophobic, unhygienic situation, the feeling of slowly rotting away

physically and moralwise; the long time of inactivity that can make anyone want to attack and sink a ship with dozens

of men - only to DO something - ANYthing - just to have a meaning.


I guess I wouldn't have got all the depth from the first cinema version (I know the Director's Cut was longer then).


"Wings Over Flanders Fields" is - more than any other sim I know - made to recall those 4 years of WW1 air combat

flying, and wants to put you into the thick clothing, the open cockpit, and the biting cold high up in the empty blue.

Wants you to share the good moments as well as the anger, the panik, and the compassion with your comrades.

To cut that down to the fighting would be as if you chug a 50 year old fine whiskey - IMHO.

It is possible - but so much less rewarding.


I guess there are functions like "accelerate time" - I never use them.

Another time-saving selection would be "Air start" - you save the climbing-to-altitude time and find yourself

at service ceiling with your flight heading to waypoint 1.

You can also click on "other flight" (or similar) in the briefing menue, to receive a shorter course.


If it's only the fighting you want, you could fly "QuickCombat" and select "Player Stats" in "Workshop",

to still receive an outcome debriefing.


But the best choice IMHO would perhaps be: allow yourself more time. Have the "real" thing, no less...

Edited by Olham

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You can choose "air start" for missions even in campaign to cut out the take off and making your way to the mission point.

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(please note this is a personal opinion, I know some of you guys like the way is done that made you actually fly all the way from TO to landing, but my time is short and I like other options, so please don't start a flame war)



I had that on the first post, even with that line, explaining Why I can't fly all the entire mission you're explaining the benefits of doing so. It's ok If you like it and can do it, but I can't. thats why I ask about time warp.



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WOFF got rid of the P3 Warp, which was faulty anyway. In WOFF you can accelerate time up to 16x. Everything happens in real time while you use it. Similar to the old Red Baron 3d if you remember. So to shorten things you can hit autopilot and then time acceleration. You are right, time is precious those days.

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Didn't mean to start a flame-war, Stratos - sorry if it came across like I did.

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I think the WOFF time acceleration is MUCH better than the OFF warp.  I couldn't get it to work until I found that it didn't like the +- on the numeric keypad.  Luckily (for once) the shift +- is easy to do with one hand.  And the autopilot is excellent.  I'm a pretty useless pilot and when just about to crash due to a spin or whatever the autopilot saves my bacon. 


OT - I read the book 'Das Boot' (in English as my German isn't that good) and thought it very good.  We are mostly overwhelmed with books from the Allied side so it makes a change.  For some reason the book was banned here in South Africa at the time.   The film is good, but I always prefer a good book.   To see the other side, I have read "The Cruel Sea" many times. 

Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe the U-boat crews had just about the worst casualty rate on the German side.  On the British side it was RAF Bomber Command by a long way. 


The thing I liked about the Blue Max film was that Peppard gets it in the end.  The book was obviously written with a sequel or two in mind. 


I have just realised that this is an answer to a post on the 'other' forum :blink:

Edited by JimAttrill

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I have just realised that this is an answer to a post on the 'other' forum :blink:


Well, at least it is about "time warp" in a way... Mmuahahahahaaa!!! crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.b4aSfC0e_R.gif

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Well, at least it is about "time warp" in a way... Mmuahahahahaaa!!! crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.b4aSfC0e_R.gif

Hey Olham;


as Dr Frank-N-Furter said::...Let's do the time warp again!!!


IMHO, 16x timewarp and autopilot will get you there rather quickly and is a reasonable replacement for the old OFF Warp.

Edited by rjw

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