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Very beautiful stuff!Very accurate!!!

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Almost done! I'm adding eye candy, and I'm tweaking and testing. I've added a lot of Geezer's figure and objects (which he adjusted for Palestine. Thanks Geezer!) I've also added some camps for forces of the Arab Revolt and some Australian bases. There are Red Crescent medical building in the Ottoman camps, most of the cities have a bazaar, and I've reskinned some of my ground objects from the Eastern Front.


Geezer is working on new skins for the city buildings.


Ojcar has been working on campaigns for Palestine. He is checking my terrain to make sure it fits with his campaigns.


We should be finished very soon.











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now that is cool. Thank you for all the hard work you have put into this project. I can't wait to test it out.

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For software that T.K. has moved on from, I can't believe the incredible additions you good folks have provided. T.K. would be stunned to see what you have done with the platform he originally presented. Wow!!!!

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It takes so long to place all Geezers awesome new ground objects and Stephen1918's. But man,.....It is well worth the time. Makes every airfield and town come alive even when they are just static objects. Lookin awesome Stephen1918! We don't have to worry about the weather change not working with this terrain either. :grin:

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It takes so long to place all Geezers awesome new ground objects and Stephen1918's. But man,.....It is well worth the time. Makes every airfield and town come alive even when they are just static objects. Lookin awesome Stephen1918! We don't have to worry about the weather change not working with this terrain either. :grin:


The standard game light settings seem a bit murky.  Perhaps a necessary compromise for changing weather conditions?  As normal desert weather is "severe clear" I changed my light settings in the ENVIRONMENTSYSTEM.INI.  By increasing [Day1] SunLightLevel to 1.25 from 0.95, the results look more like desert sunshine.  Shot was taken in Steven1918's Palestine mod, now being tested.



Edited by Geezer
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Still rough, but making good progress on the new Martinsyde G.100 for the Palestine mod.  





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Making good progress on the Martinsyde.  When released, the pack will have two artwork folders - hi-res textures (shown) and lower res textures for guys with older computers.







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Very nice! The details in the skins are wonderful, but I also notice the details that you're putting into the model itself. The crumpled strap on the Lewis magazine is just great!

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The crumpled strap on the Lewis magazine is just great!



Thanks.  My hitch in the USAF was spent maintaining the B-52's radar controlled gun system, so I get a little gonzo when it comes to armament systems.  That's why I love First Eagles' two-seaters!   :biggrin:





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Does anyone have any info for the Martinsyde cockpit?  I can't find anything, so I'd appreciate hearing from someone who has some photos, drawings, whatever.  Thanks ahead of time.

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Edited by gterl

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Excellent - thanks!  

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Windsock Datafile 70


Let me know if you need further pictures, details, etc.



Edited by gterl

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Wrench and gterl both sent me good reference stuff that I was lacking when the model was started - thanks, guys.  To incorporate ALL of the new info would have meant revising the model and mapping, so I've made what changes I could.  Shots below show first attempt at fabric lacing - too big and clunky!  Back to the drawing board....







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More progress shots.  The fuselage, and all its little fussy bits, is nearly done.  Have started work on the flying surfaces, finished with Protective Coating No 12 (red oxide) that was widely used in the Middle East.  Got a question about bomb racks.  Some FE models have the mount rails, but not the actual racks as shown here.  You guys will have to go into the ini files to attach the bombs ingame, so I thought I'd ask if bomb racks are harder/worse than mount rails.







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Nice! I like the details of the sheet metal and linen.I don't recognize the bombs, are they from the game or did you make them yourself? I like the bomb racks, I make mine simpler because by the time I get to them I'm worrying about file size. But that's just me.


I love the detail that you're putting into this plane.

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Nice! I like the details of the sheet metal and linen.I don't recognize the bombs, are they from the game or did you make them yourself? I like the bomb racks, I make mine simpler because by the time I get to them I'm worrying about file size. But that's just me.


I love the detail that you're putting into this plane.

Thanks. The Coopers bombs are mine - they won't replace the standard game bombs, they are just place holders.  Still gotta add scratches, dents, broken pencils, cigarette butts, etc - if I don't get tired of looking at it!   :biggrin:

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Slowly grinding my way through the zillions of details - the textures are nearing completion.  It won't be ready in "two weeks" but it should be ready "soon."   :biggrin:




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Been busy packing to relocate, but found a little time to work on the AA pack and Martinsyde: first shot shows bomb racks, second shot shows Euro and Desert camo.





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