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Russian Reporting on Ukraine

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For those of you who were following the thread on Ukraine before it was moved off to the Political thread, this article from Politico might prove informative.  It is written by a free lance Russian reporter about how the situation is being reported in the Russian media.  Wow, no wonder there are such huge differences in perspective!



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Yes, it is bias. But that's nothing new.

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IQ equals their shoesize.....

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Forget Russian media, it may be as bad as Western media. Here's why...

Your linked article claims, with no link, Russian author Sergey Markov as saying:: “Crimea is not their main target, they really don’t care about it.”


If Markov wrote that, then Markov is deceiving his Russian readers, like this "politico" article decieves us Western readers. How do we know?

Nightwatch -- For the night of 25 February 2014::


Comment: Crimea is emerging as the focus of confrontation and the prize.

~ http://www.kforcegov.com/Services/IS/NightWatch/NightWatch_14000039.aspx




There! We know what this is about, because we played The StrikeFighters last night   read The Nightwatch today.

Now I can see Russian Professor Markov writing only about protecting Russian speakers from teh nazzies, and western media writing only about protecting "democracy" from teh commies, lol...neither medias will tell their readers what is going on.


If you'd like to see a bit more, here's the CombatAce Nightwatch thread ~> http://combatace.com/topic/61055-nightwatch/



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So, is Nightwatch extraterrestrial media or something? It's just someone else's view.

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You really want to know the truth?


Putin is a lunatic ex KGB man who wants to revive the Soviet Union. Most Russians would like that very much.


End of truth.

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Because after 25 years they have a mostly nostalgic view of how things were then and they don't really remember the bad parts.

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Exactly. The same reason the Tea Party wants to "take their country back," and Conservatives want the Civil Rights Acts abolished. Waxing poetically over their vision of how things used to be. Which for most people, other than themselves, was a living hell.

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So, is Nightwatch extraterrestrial media or something?


You know, I  never thought of that. NW's clarity, density, brevity, as well as humour at times, is otherworldly, out of this world, compared to anything else *in* the world.


-- -


For the record: ( :biggrin:) Here's Henry Kissenger on the Uk thing, WashPost ~> How the Ukraine Crisis Ends


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Exactly. The same reason the Tea Party wants to "take their country back," and Conservatives want the Civil Rights Acts abolished. Waxing poetically over their vision of how things used to be. Which for most people, other than themselves, was a living hell.


Not to mention that given their ages most of them were either in their early 20s or younger, or weren't even BORN, during the times they feel we should return to. In short, their perspectives on those times are insular and biased.

The ones that were old enough to grasp the world around them then aren't necessarily the sharpest tacks in the box anymore.

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So, is Nightwatch extraterrestrial media or something? It's just someone else's view.

So, is Nightwatch extraterrestrial media or something? It's just someone else's view.

Nightwatch is pretty good. It's a group of former intell professionals who continue to put out intel assessments and analysis based on open source reporting. I've subscribed to them for years going back to when I also read the classified stuff.


What Nightwatch brings to the table is pretty unbiased ANALYSIS to current events based on standard methods of looking through the BS reporting and including a lot of background info that you don't get elsewhere.


I also get some stuff from a network of former Navy intel types, when my source forwards them (just about daily). And, of course, I've got a bit of background in a lot of these areas anyway.


There are some others, such as Stratfor, which do similar analysis of open source reporting.


I subscribe to Nightwatch because I think they are spot on far more than any other source, including the official CIA and DIA analysis back when I could read and compare them.

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