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I have SF2Israel and SF2Europe.

But I feel the need for a carrier based game.

I see Vietnam and North Atlantic both have carriers.

Though it is a subjective subject, what would you think

is the best for carrier action?


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And once you have it you can enable its features across the other games as well.

Edited by Stick

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NA - you get actual fleet combat.


The mission to attack the Soviet Fleet is still the most heart-pounding I've ever flown in a sim.

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I like Vietnam the most, while you get single missions from the carrier out of the box with SF2NA, better graphics and the naval stuff, Vietnam is more varied, historical, reliable and, ultimately, cool. While both are great, and complement each other well, Vietnam kicks North Atlantic ass



Vietnam kicks North Atlantic ass



Wow, that sounded a lot like Vietnamese Propaganda against a NATO attack

Edited by macelena

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Get them both. They both have particular strengths and weaknesses. SF2V will give you a greater variety of missions in the campaigns and a wider variety of flyables, but naval units are limited to carrier itself. SF2NA's missions become very repetitive, but allow you to add battlegroups into campaigns that can be attacked by the enemy. The F-14 is pretty cool to fly, rippling off 6 phoenixes at as many bombers from 100 miles away.

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Yes, I guess I will have to try both. I enjoyed "Wings Over Vietnam" so I am guessing SF2 Vietnam must

be a big step forward. And I have always wanted to fly a Tomcat!

Thanks for your replies...

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I like both.

Well, actually, I love SF2:Vietnam with the Combatace expansion thingy. I like SF2:NA. It depends on what you expect. If you want WW2-like naval battle, then SF2:NA it is. In Vietnam, carriers are nothing more than floating airstrips. 


But yeah, get both. 

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Well, SF2NA is more naval aerial combat (bomber intercepts, attacks against warships, stuff like that), while in SF2V, carriers are more of a place to take off from and land, not really actual carrier ops.Now, I think there are USN F-4s here that you can add to your game, but I'm not sure. In the end, it comes down to whether you want more US-Soviet war Naval ops or you just like to land on carriers :D


Anyways, hope you enjoy whichever one you pick!

Edited by thodouras95

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Get NA and if youre a Phanatic, the DLC F-4N. Then there are many more carrier birds and skins here on site

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  Chutedangle, one thing no one's mentioned is that SF2 NA will allow you to use a lot of mods on this site that enable carrier ops in every era from WW2 to the present. For example, if Carrier vs Carrier is your thing you can either build a kick-ass WW2 Pacific mod from stuff available on CombatAce or download a complete Pacific mod from the A-Team site. (You have to be a member there and cleared for downloads.) Either way, it's hammer and tongs Carrier Alpha Strikes until one side or the other is in Davy Jones Locker. Verrry Niiice!

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Also, with some minor changes to the aircraft .ini files you can make almost anything "carrier capable".  You haven't lived (or died) until you've tried to land the "Sea TSR2" aboard the Ark Royal.

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