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Two Ship A-10 Gun Run

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jizz in my pants! haha

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Are you freakin kiddin me, that is win win WIN WIN!!!! WHY DO THEY WANT TO STOP THIS PROGRAM??

Edited by TeargasHorse

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When A-10s work in tandem for close air support I heard that they can put fire on a target every 6 to 10 seconds. Now I believe it! Long live the A-10 Thunderbolt 2 (Warthog)!

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...and they want this done by F 35's ???

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No. The F-35 will do some of the precision targeting. Some attacks will be done by UCAVs. Some by AH-64s. Some by other means.


The F-35 was never going to wear a boar's mouth and go strafing tanks, that just makes no sense. Rather the various attack profiles the A-10 can do will be divvied up amongst other assets.

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